» Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:48 pm
The game and its manual does a absolutely horrible job of explaining reputation. However, there is a series of scales indicated in the game guide that gives more info. Your reputation, at any given moment, is a combination of both your fame and infamy score. It is not a single scale that moves either direction, but instead your fame scale can increase and your infamy scale can increase, but neither scales can be reduced. Once you get infamy or fame, you are stuck with it for the entire game (exception is the pardon from ncr and legion after entering the strip). NEUTRAL is the first level on all three scales, the three scales being, EVIL, GOOD and MIXED. If you have done something to the NCR that gave you INFAMY, and the amount of INFAMY you recieved is substantial enough, you may never be able to go past NEUTRAL, no matter how much good you do. In my game, I killed som many powder ganagers, that even when I helped out at Vault 19, the best reputation I could get back to with the powder ganagers was Merciful Thug, which is a 3 on the EVIL scale. I will never be able to return to a MIXED or GOOD reputation with them as the game has no more quests for which to get FAME with them. Remember that siding with the Legion in certain quests, will at times, give you NCR infamy.
Not sure if this is where you have ended up, but perhaps it will help.