End Game Slides and Continued Play

Post » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:50 pm

There was a lot of talk pre-release about how not allowing continued play after the end of the main quest would allow Obsidian to create a great closing scene that wraps everything up. Now that I've seen it I'm rather underwhelmed and feel my previous position of allowing free play afterwards is even more correct. A lot of folks likened it back to FO1 and 2, and since I've never played those I don't know how those games ended exactly, but the end of NV didn't really reveal anything or tell of some grand ongoing repercussions of your actions. In fact I wondered why the big fuss at all and why anything shown there is somehow mutually exclusive with allowing play after the end of the MQ.

I'd love at this point to have been able to go back, get a few bonuses in the Lucky 38 (as an example) and just be allowed to continue on and continue from that point with any forthcoming DLC. Seems like a lot of trouble over nothing there.....
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