- Once, some years ago, I remember being in the sewers, I think it was in the tutorial. I was in a narrow corridor, and started hearing the battle music. I started to look around, my staff ready (probably the Lightning one, from the Shman

- This is a creepy one. I don't know why it happens, but it keeps happening. So, I had this one horse, paint horse I think it was, maybe the one from Weynon Priory, maybe not. It was my first horse, and I have the habbit of giving my horses names in Oblivion (setActorFullName.....). I believe I named him Gin (?) not sure. At a certain moment, he died. I bought a brown horse from some stables, and moved on with my life. Then, one day, while riding my new brown horse from the Imperial City to Skingrad, I stumbled upon a horse, just randomly staying on the middle of the road. It's name was... Gin O_o I was seriously freaked out, the horse was looking at me with a censoring look in his face, I just rode away. This happened many times, on various spots, the "ghost" of my dead horse appearing in there. Now, I dunno if I renamed all paint horses with that console command, but it was still freaky as hell :ph34r: