Back to your mod, is there any possible way to better intergrate the "-scenic travel" option? It is the only part of this and the Silt Strider mod that I find out of place.
If you mean using the dialog refusals to access the travelling options via the standard travel topic, it would complicate things a lot (I tried, dialog refusal does not work well with choice; I don't know if last MCP option could help, but it would require MCP and I'd prefer it to work even without MCP installed) with no real advantages IMO; you would still have to click something/somewhere else to choose if you want a standard teleport-like trip of a scenic trip, so the only difference would be to have standard travel topic on top right and a button/topic apperaring somewhere else after service refusal instead of having both standard 'travel' topic on top right and '-scenic travel' topic near the top right (depending on other mods loaded) like present situation.
I you mean a different kind of integration, for instance making more plausible/explaining in game why you have a caravaner on port and another one carrying you around (which is due to complexity reduction (how many different heads could have the caravaner mesh?)/compatibility with other mods in reality), I am open to suggestion, at the moment you role play it as you see fit (he is a employee of the land caravaner, he is a free lance caravaner ready to start the trip with first client...)
Also, I would be interested to see a map of all the routes, I wonder if there would be a way to automate the creation of that.
If you mean, it should be like standard routes.
If you mean detailed routes (follow that canol, turn east, turn north...), for speed (one script running)/simplicity waypoint coordinates are hardcoded in the strider/gondolier script, there are invisible static markers in the mod to ease finding/testing waypoint coordinates, but they are just for aiding copying/pasting coordinates and could/will be stripped from the mod when it is stable enough, the real thing is in the script.
Simpler thing maybe would be extracting/exporting from the relevant (ab01gondXXScript, ab01striderXXScript...) script source the coordinates used in the Face X Y commands for each route.
I don't know if it makes sense trying to automate (for instance using tes3cmd regular expression parsing on .esp,) or copying/pasting from the scripting source code in Mash .mws format, probably the second way is not automatic but more feasible.