It can do way more than them,it can scan & read in an instant,recognize your voice...& it does'nt just read your body,it can track facial movements,individual finger movement & more.
What you've seen from kinnect so far is the tip of the ice berg. The demo peter molyneux did with the boy named "milo" was very impressive,he can tell when your sad or happy,by facial recognition or voice,& that was just a simple demo,kinnect will be huge,no doubt about it.
Also i see some PC users saying the current consoles are dying...i disagree.
Yes things can look better on most high end PC's ,but they cost alot of money.
Consoles dont have alot of things going on in the background or have big operating systems like PC's do,& you dont have to keep upgrading them,or buy software etc.
Yes ,as one poster said technology is advancing,better proccesors ,memory etc,but so are gaming techniques.They are always finding ways to get more out of the so called " older systems"
that consoles have...there are advantages & weaknesses to both PC & consoles....consoles are easy to use &are in main...hassle free...they also contribute more to a games mainstream success,& that includes fallout...& yes that benifits everyone in the end. I would love to own a high end PC....but xbox 360 & PS3 have plenty of life in them yet.
They are very popular & will continue to be for some time too.
But all that being said...i do not want fallout NV to use kinnect or sony's playtoy...its good enough as it is...& its a multi-platform game,which would make a bit more difficult anyway.
It would be nice to play it with the playtoy & kinnect....but like i said..i love it the way its meant to be..& thats with a control pad & mouse & keyboard.