The "I'm Getting an Error" FAQ
0: Error reading faction file
You need to upgrade your mscdex.exe file. You are currently using a version prior to version 2.23. Daggerfall (and many newer games) require that you use version 2.23 or higher. You can check which version you are currently running by typing mscdex at a DOS prompt. When you upgrade it, be aware that you may have multiple copies on your hard drive (in your DOS, Windows and sound card or CD directories) and that you will need to ensure y ou upgrade the correct one. You can check where you are loading the file from in your autoexec.bat file. Having an out of date manufacturer-supplied CD driver can also cause this. You can download the mscdx223.exe from Microsoft.
0: Unable to initialize sound card
- Check the sound settings chosen for your sound card in the Setup program to ensure that you have chosen the correct sound card, IRQ, port, and DMA.
- Users of the Gravis Ultrasound card will need to set their card to emulate a SoundBlaster in order to operate correctly with Daggerfall.
- Users of the Ensoniq card with Windows 95 will need to run in DOS mode to get the best results from the game.
112: Bad dag text
This is related to problems in the current quest. Install the most recent patch to alleviate this problem. You may need to revert to a save game from before you accepted the quest.
These problems are often related to inventory. The most recent patch has solved many of them. If you are running patch 195 or older, unequip all magic items before going into the character sheet and install the latest patch as soon as possible.
500 series:
These errors are commonly caused by hardware conflicts, though there are other possibilities. To alleviate the problems, first try deleting the gaem, defragmenting the hard drive and reinstalling the game. This will work in many cases. If not, try turning off MIDI sound. Make sure that all drivers for sound, CD and mouse are up to date.
This is not the actual error number. Install the latest patch and attempt to duplicate the error. It should now give the actual error message. This error should only occur with patch number 195.
1000, 1002:
These errors are all related to loading save games. If the error does not have one of the sub-messages listed below, you may with to contact Technical Support (old style) or post on the forums (2009 version, my update).
- Failed internal check C
You are using the original CD version and have a magic item with the 'Repairs Object' advantage. Update to the latest patch. - Failed internal check 28
You are using the original CD version and have activated some dungeon wings, usually by tripping a switch or lever of some kind. Update to the latest patch. After updating, leave the dungeon without activating other wings. Then re-enter the dungeon and it should work properly. - Failed internal check 1C
The game is having problems updating your factions. Install patch 1.07.212 or higher to alleviate this problem. - Collapse to ground exhausted
The game was not properly saved, possibly due to crashing during saving. The game cannot be recovered at this point. Revert to an earlier save game. - Invalid save game format
You have probably saved a game after installing the patch (175+) and then reinstalled the original game version (165) or you have upgraded to a larger install size and have not installed the patch. If either one is the case, reinstall the patch. If it is not one of these, this problem can usually be alleviated by backup up your save games, deleting and install the game, reinstalling the patch and then returning your save games to the Dagger save game folders.
Invalid Quest ID:
Update to the most recent patch to solve this problem in most cases.
2030: Out of object memory:
Add a line which says 'ObjMemSize #' to the end of the z.cfg file in the Dagger directory. Make sure the number is greater than 2000. This can also be caused by a problem with the "stale one-shots". If you don't own many items and the ObjMemSize fix doesn't work, you may wish to try running the latest fixsave to see if you have "stale one-shots" taking up room in your object memory.
Causeway error 09:
If you have a Cyrix brand CPU, install the patch.
File font0000.fnt not found:
You are installing Daggerfall at a large or huge install size. You need to upgrade your mscdex.exe file.You are currently using a version prior to version 2.23. Daggerfall (and many newer games) require that you use version 2.23 or higher. You can check which version you are currently running by typing mscdex at a DOS prompt. When you upgrade it, be aware that you may have multiple copies on your hard drive (in your DOS, Windows and sound card or CD directories) and that you will need to ensure y ou upgrade the correct one. You can check where you are loading the file from in your autoexec.bat file.
Cannot find bethesda.inf:
You have done a medium install with the original CD version. Copy the report.exe file from the d:/dagger/arena2 directory to the same directory on your hard drive. After that, install the most recent patch.
Computer reboots:
Make sure that your files=60 in your config.sys file. Check to ensure that you have the most recent drivers for your mouse and CD drive. If both of the above are true, then you might wish to contact Technical Support.
Internal error at 1000: Inconsistant size field
Update to the most recent patch to alleviate this error.
This was originally on the 1997 Bethesda Softworks Daggerfall page under the FAQ section. All rights reserved by them.
In addition to these, I personally have gotten a Error 114 but never got a response when I contacted Tech Support back in 96 or so. I ended up reinstalling and starting over.