Ten years after the conclusion of Fallout Three...
Beverly Duffield belted her holstered .44 magnum double-action revolver around her waist, she handed the
CETME assault rifle to Henry; Henry limped over to Charlie's crib and sat beside it. "Stay with the baby, Henry." Beverly opened the Fallout Shelter's door and mounted her horse. Her mission was activated
once Henry closed the shelter's door.
When Beverly had been two months pregnant with Charlie, a Death Claw had mauled Henry; a Brotherhood of Steel patrol had found Henry, and had taken him to the hospital in Air Force City. Two operations had
had left Henry with a permanent limp. Beverly had bought the CETME for Henry after said mauling.
Beverly rode onwards, her mission was to deal with the evil now stalking this wasteland zone; of late, a darkness had stalked the night. Dogs and cats refused to go out at night, if forced, they'd hide until dawn;
Cattle left outside barns had come up missing, even GNN radio was running a special on the .'Mystery Marauder'.
Eastburg's Police Department had instituted a dusk-to-dawn curfew, all night-time buses to Air Force City
were cancelling; until this crisis was fixed. Sheriff Childers was running a posse for the .'Mystery Marauder';
even with two RoboBrains and a pack of hunting dogs, they had failed to catch the culprit.
Beverly got to the ambush site, Brian Tommygunnerson took her horse; and led it to the ravine which served as in improvised corral, for all the horses present. Beverly smiled. Brian had a .'Colonel Autumn'-brand laser pistol holstered on his hip, She had given that to him as a birthday present last year.
Brian's parents, Rodney and Anita Tommygunnerson; they were there, too and would partake of the planned
ambush. Rodney had his .'Lincoln's Repeater'-brand rifle with him, Anita had a 10mm submachinegun with her.
A Nubian goat bleated piteously in the distance, it was staked out as bait; the plan was to gun down the .'Mystery Marauder', as it attacked goat. Brian would guard the horses, as the others ambushed the
.'Mystery Marauder'.
Night fell. A motion-activated light kicked on, Rodney yelped. "There's a trio of giant rad-scorpions headed for our bait!" The ambushers raised their guns, a low grinding noise was heard in the back ground; it
grew progressively louder as the giant rad scorpions scuttled towards the goat, whom bleated piteously all the while.
REEE! A beam of bluish-white energy blew a basketball-sized hole, through one monster's center mass; killing it instantly, and four more blasts slaughtered all the giant rad scorpions present. The robot looked to be a Robo-Brain , but with a Protectron's head bubble atop it. It rolled up to the dead monsters and stopped.
The head bubble popped open on a hinge mount, a tiny rope-rung ladder descended from it; a tiny figure climbed down it and ran over to the dead giant rad-scorpions. Said figure produced a knife and cut the
poison glands out, after which; it secured the knife. It then openened a cargo panel on the Protectron's leg
and produced a a metal case, said case was filled with the poison glands; it was then replaced in said leg
Beverly's curiousity was aroused, she holstered her revolver and walked to the tiny creature; it wore a pilot's blaze orange jumpsuit, boots, and gloves. A flourescent green jet pilot's tinted visor helmet, that item protected the creature's head; it raised the visor and looked at Beverly. "Hellio, little one; you're a tiny kitten, about 4weeks old." Beverly said as she knelt down to see it.
The orange kitten said ."Mommy?" To say that all present were stunned, is entirely correct.