Got it, you have to copy it to a flash drive though.
And really? I thought the multiplayer was much better than Call of Duty. The crowded levels with all the debris makes it seem more realistic imo.
I think out of 200 or so deaths I have died maybe 5-10 times form someone more than 20 feet away.The debris just cuts down on the fields of fire ther doesn't seem to be any area of value its seems to be whoever fires first, I haven't run into anbody that just makes me say"damn he's good".
The art style and graphics are another thing I don't like, atleast for online.Everything seems so grainy and unsmooth and with bland enviroments making it very unappealing to the eye.
Don't get me wrong I love the SP so far and have alwasy loved Killzone's campaigns but MP has never really cought my attention.