I cannot find any recent tutorials on custom weapon creation, but http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/82738-fallout-modelling-mini-tutorial/ is what I've been using as a general guide. This tutorial dates back to November 2008, and I'm wondering if it's even still relevant. Regardless, its the best resource I've been able to locate on the topic.
The technique for creating weapons in the tutorial seems to involve finding a similar Bethesda weapon model, and then copying and pasting sections from your custom model into the appropriate blocks of the similar Bethesda model in Nifskope.
However, what I don't understand about the weapon creation process is how to make use of the standard Bethesda animations associated with weapons.
Lets say for example, that I create a custom pistol model that's similar in function(but somewhat different in appearance) to the standard Bethesda 10mm pistol. I have some ideas and questions about how to make use of Bethesda's 10mm pistol animations:
-Do I need to line up/position my custom pistol as close as possible to the Bethesda 10mm pistol?
-Do I have to make my pistol the exact same dimensions... or pretty close anyway?
-Does a custom pistol need to be separated into the exact same number of parts(NiTriStrips) as the 10mm pistol?
-Would the separate model parts need to have the exact same names as the 10mm pistol's parts?
Confusing me further, I've noticed that in the GECK... there are several settings related to weapon animations: "Reload Anim, Hand Grip, Attack Anim, Animation Type". I assume that when creating a custom weapon model, these settings need to be adjusted to match the settings for a similar Bethesda weapon? And is it possible to mix and match different animations(handgrips/reloads) by changing these GECK settings... or does that end up looking strange and cause problems?
Also, I've downloaded many custom weapons from the Fallout 3 Nexus, but none of them use custom animations from what I can tell. Is it even possible to use custom weapon animations?