I think it would be interesting to see the reactions of the community towards the game when they finally get their hands on it. :hehe:
I ponder this sometimes, myself. I see a lot of flagrant fanboyism here, and I'm not opposed to people getting excited about Brink, but this is a game that hasn't been released and about which the developers say a lot of cool things that can be misleading. There are people who think it's a parkour simulator, people who think it's an open-world sandbox, etc., and if they buy it under that type of impression, they're going to be upset. There are people who won't react well to SD's ideas of fairness, balance, and novice-friendliness (these ideas are what appeals to me most about the developer) because they're used to FPSes having frustrating elements that they put up with because of the times they get to be on the trigger end. The first time a player watches a grenade go off under his enemy's feet and the enemy doesn't die, that player is probably going to call shenanigans.
Honestly, I am glad a big publisher like Bethesda is putting its weight behind an innovative studio like Splash Damage. I feel like the game isn't
about the sleek visuals and character customisation, but those traits are going to help it sell, and if a lot of people play Brink, the standards for shooters are going to change. IMO, for the better.