» Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:20 am
I guess my main point was, I hope they realize that there is an entirely new and incredibly successful business model emerging in the gaming world. Games like League Of Legends and Team Fortress 2 have taken full advantage of it and it has been very profitable for them to not just force DLC down peoples throat like other companies, such as activision, choose to do. Free support for the game will KEEP people playing it and cause more people to START playing it. Plus when you do eventually decide to pump out some payed DLC, people will feel more comfortable buying it because they already feel as if they have gotten their moneys worth. See BC2 on PC, over 7 content updates, only one of them payed, and it was a very reasonably priced 15 dollar huge expansion.
TL;DR version: There is an obvious way to do this long term support thing right and wrong, please do it right.