yeah.... this one is a little complicate to walk someone through. I asume you have already exported custom animations into game before. If not do that first. just do any of saiden storms tutorials.
basically I would import the gobo, skele, and then the idle KF.
set up the scene as if i were going to export a animated static
if you use the CIV4 plugin then you're good, set up the sequence in the animation manager.
export the nif with niftools, use mesh w/manager< this will be the base nif
you can use this nif if you fiddle with it.
or if you don't know what to do there,
simply use the civ4 plugin, export a KF.
use the KF updater on the exported KF.
open the base nif
attach KF
delete the sequence that was in the file when you opened it... basically you have just swapped the niftools exported sequence for the civ4 exported sequence(as this one is properly set up from the start)
This should work in game with minor adjustments.