Thanks for the replies.
I tried the Morrowind resolution changer (which Pseron Wyrd) posted and I get the same registration error everyone else seems to have in the planetelderscrolls comments.
I really don′t want to use MGE because of the c++, net and everything else I would need to install. I was hoping I could edit the morrowind.ini to get the effect, but in Yacoby′s morrowind.ini tutorial i didn′t see anything that would relate to the resolutions.
I′ll give the FPS optimizer a go tomorrow. I hope it works.
The registry needs to be changed to change the resolution in Morrowind, so any program you use must be run as an administrator in order to work.
A couple of FOV values for different aspect ratios, keeping the same projection as the default 75 and 100 (werewolf) for 4:3. The werewolf FOV can be changed in morrowind.ini.
16:9 (1920x1080, 1280x720, etc.): 91.31, 115.63
15:9 (1280x768): 87.61, 112.25
16:10 (1920x1200, 1680x1050, etc.): 85.28, 110.07