» Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am
I think what the original poster was getting at is that there is no way food, medicine, paper products etc would have survived intact after 200 years. After 200 years, all pre-war supplies would have been long gone. And even if some of it were to be found, it would be completely inedible or useable after such a long time. Nearly all of the firearms would have rusted away to nothing, or simply be too worn out to function. Same thing with ammo. Ammo unless hermetically sealed will go bad eventually. Primers will corrode etc.
And the DC power grid still being up after 200 years! No chance in hell of that happening. Even nuclear power plants require refueling and constant maintenance and attention. I doubt an unattended power plant would run longer than a few weeks, let alone 200 years.
And light bulbs still working on signs, in subways and inside buildings? No chance of that either.
And then there are all the people walking around in 200 year old clothes. The material would have worn out long ago. And all the cars, buses etc would have completely rusted away. Same goes for Rivet City. The carrier would have collapsed in on itself and just be a mass of rust, if even that. The forest would also have almost completely reclaimed the land. Radiation would not stop plants from growing, especially after 200 years. The roads would be overgrown, the wooden houses would have disintegrated, and on and on and on.
What they should have done is set the game about 20 or 30 years after the war. Even that is stretching things, but still somewhat believeable. That is basically what I do when I play the game; in order to suspend my disbelief I pretend it's only been 20 years instead of 200...