» Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:29 pm
Bosmer's probably your best choice of race, for the Marksman and Sneak bonuses. However, Argonian, Khajiit or Dunmer could all be viable and you should pick the race that you think fits the character most. Of course, if its a Nord you might have some trouble at the beginning :wink_smile:
For the birthsign, I would pick wither the Thief or the Shadow. The Thief provides some Agility and Speed, which will be more noticeable in the early game than the late, but also carries Luck, one of the most painful Attributes to raise. If your character will refrain from magic, the Shadow is also a good choice. The 60 seconds can be very helpful to sneak into a good sniping position. Of course, at 10 renown there is a more viable alternative I can't mention on general.
Major skills wise, it depends entirely on how you want to play. While there are near-infinite nuances to build-making, there are three main choices for major skills:
Majors as Majors: The skills you will use most as majors. This allows for a more regular gaming experience, while the usual three-attribute skills and large spread may weaken your character over time. If you choose this approach, go for something like Marksman, Sneak, Alchemy, Light Armor, Armorer, Security, Blade.
Majors as Minors: The skills you will use most as minor skills, while controllable unused skills go as majors. This allows you to raise your power without raising your level, and still allowing you to raise yoru level as needed.
Some majors as majors, some as minors: I'm sure Acadian and Buffy, resident bowgirl and companion, will chime in here, but essentially this means using three or four of your used skills as majors, while the rest are minors to control your levelling and in the end, create a still powerful character with a relatively normal expereince.
Hope I helped!