Vault 101.
If it never was opened, as it never was supposed to, how would it survive?
There are only those (blind guess) 4000+ Vault 101 suits, and some weaponry, and some food, but those all will run out sooner or later.
If, or when, all vault suits were completely used and had to be destroyed, would the people just be naked around because there were no other clothes?
But in the other hand, there must be a source of clothing material. The Tunnel Snakes, where did they make their jackets from?
Did V-Tek supply all vaults with leather jackets?
Plus, what do the Vault-Dwellers eat? There is a cake in FO3 beginning, where did they get resources to make the cake? And considering that it's already 200 years since the Bombs and that means fairly over 2000 birthday parties, and some 750 birthday cakes.
This is (as we all know, doh) sci-fi game series, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was that pill-food which was expected by the people of 1950's.
Just curious.. :nod: