If your gonna say "This is Elder scrolls and we have magic, no technology, gtfo", leave my topic right now. Technology doesn't mean Cars and Spaceships. I just wanna see the world is moving forward (slowly, baby steps). No guns or radios, but maybe windmills and ballistas. No where should remain deadlocked in Medieval Europe forever. As for magic, how about magictech? Flying carpets, magic powered machines. Elder scrolls should never be a sci-fi or even Renaissance setting though.
If Bethesda is gonna take ideas from Fable, forget I said anything. Fable is a "good" game, but relationships in the game are pointless except for the free crap every once in a while. Here would be a perfect example of something that would be awesome.
You walk into town, beaten from battle, you head for the local tavern. You become good friends with a fellow adventure by talking with interesting and rewarding dialogue. You share stories before he goes off to raid some cave, you go with him, you find a priceless artifact. You both split the money and you gain a companion.
You come back to the tavern. There's a beautiful looking barmaid sitting by the window. You talk to her and depending on what you say, she is disgusted or attracted by you. If she likes you, both of you will talk some more *coughflirtcough*. You have to leave to slay some more dragon ass, she tells you to come visit her again and she gives you a kiss on the check. You come back with a dragon intestine belt and you talk some more (Yes there will be more than one town in the game) with the barmaid, you talk about NOT CHEESY, ACTUALLY INTERESTING AND NOT [censored] [censored] YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT*coughfable3cough*
She invites you upstairs and then black screen (sorry perverts, no dragon age six scenes here). You awake to her sweet voice before going down stairs to find your adventurer buddy asking you to help him (bandit raid, needs to recover a family heirloom, blah blah). He ends up getting killed and hopefully the player might actually frown once if the AI is likable to actually start caring about them. Few months later of badassery, you return to the tavern to find your sweet lass lying in a pool of her own blood. After some serious detective work you learn the adventure's brother is behind it, he holds you responsible and later attempts to kill you, you beat his ass and now the entire adventurer family is after you. Later you visit the now deceased love interest's grave and shed a tear QQ baby.
All I want is wounds that need special treatment instead of a potion. The need to eat, drink, sleep. The inability to go on for hours in full plate armor wielding a giant axe and not stop to breath. Basically, Fallout NV's hardcoe move.
Some of the stuff I'm asking for may be a little far off, but maybe in future elder scrolls titles. Thanks for reading

Crossbows and throwing knives/axes/darts please