And personally I don't think Steamworks on the PS3 is a good idea

If it means I can buy the PS3 version of Portal 2 (and possibly other games to come) and get the PC version free, I'm all in.
I'm not really sure I see any down side, what are your thoughts as to the down sides Freddo?
Oh, and I like both consoles. I got the 360 first, because we already had a PS3 in the house. I've since bought my own PS3 and am happy with both consoles.
I really couldn't pick one over the other as both have exclusives I like. I've been playing more PS3, but that's because I just got it this month, like 2 weeks ago. I just finished both God of War 1 and 2 with the GoW Collections disk. Hard at times, but fun as hell. Now I am running through Uncharted 2 again, with the intention of finishing this time. (It was rented last time and I didn't have my own PS3 so I had little chance to play.)