How do you feel merchant economy should be handled in Oblivion? You want to sell for as high as you can. You want to roll in money, at least I do. And I want lots of worthwhile stuff to spend money on. My opinion is that merchants should have a set gold that increases when they sell and diminishes when they buy, but it can not go down to zero. A minimum gold, say 200, is always available so that you can unburden yourself of those heavy bars of metal, heavy cheap weapons and armor, staffs you don't use, petty soul gems, and junk you've collected just for selling.
The reason I say this is because of my OOO 1.33 game with living economy. My inventory and Waterfront Shack chest is full of items I have not sold yet because of the economy ( scrolls, gems, gold furnishings, clothing sets, enchanted things ). I can only ever sell one weapon per merchant before a huge chunk of their money is gone and I won't get top dollar for the less heavy items such as enchanted rings. Soon they are at zero and can't buy anything more until the player waits 24 hours. It doesn't work well for me because I am the type that does not hit the wait button, but goes to the inn and gets a bed to sleep in. Because my character does not stand outside Slash and Smash awake in the rain and cold for Urkul gro Orkulg to open shop. With a minimum gold that does not go lower than 200 I can at least get a good price for the weaker enchanted items and lighten my inventory.
Long post. How do you feel a good merchant economy would work?