Come to think about it, I would say 75% of my posting is from my phone.
Nope. The closest I get to posting from a phone is from my iPad. TBH, the only thing I need a phone for is to make and receive phone calls, everything else they come with is utterly useless to me.
For this sight I post from my PC on Facebook its a mix between my phone and PC.
8-4 is my phone posting times.. because the government monitors the computers and blocks access
I much prefer using the PC. I tried the mobile version and I didn't like it as much.
My friend just gave me her old Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 when she upgraded. I do not have cell service but I do use it with WiFi. If my plans to get freephoneline working (CC issues) I can use the phone with a softphone app and WiFi for a "sort of cell phone". Seeing I had to reconnect with the ISP I just tried to leave, I'll make use of their "free" (excluding bandwidth from your plan.) WiFi hot spots.
I don't mind using it for reading but typing is a PITA! So I try to keep posting to PC.
I don't have enough data on my phone for surfing the internet frequently, so no. If I had, yea I guess I would? I spend a lot of time commuting.
I'll post from my phone while I'm at work, but only if I can keep the message short and simple. Any long or detailed message waits until I can get to my PC.