welcome to the forums, http://images.uesp.net//c/c4/Fishystick.jpg
regarding your suggestion, its never going to happen, because bethesda has been pretty blunt with their answer towards multiplayer in TES.
they strive their hardest to make the best single player games they can, multiplayer would actually ruin what the games are meant to be, and their quality would drop.
its better to have a great single player game than a mediocre multiplayer game.
it would be especially bad if they just tacked multiplayer on like that in DLC, because it would likely not work out very well.
to reiterate, multiplayer will never exist in the elder scrolls.
personally, im glad TES is a single player series, i can have my own fun at my own pace, without worrying about others ruining my world.
enjoy the forums! :nod: