That defeats the purpose of dragon shouts. They are another form of magic (with their own cooldown timer, instead of using magicka). If they are treated like spells, then there's no reason to use them. See what I mean? Tapping buttons actually doesn't work from a gameplay standpoint for this new combat feature. Shouts are literally our breath, so holding a button for a desired level is the most effective way of using them (and conveying just how different they are from spells).
hmmm. I hadn't considered that perspective before. That's why I like forums. You raise a good point of the shout being like expelling your breath. I admit that pushing a button could be something akin to pushing your breath out like a singer. Additionally, I can respect the concept behind the action (press and hold) conveying something other than typical magic spells. However, on the xbox, the triggers will be representative you your hands and therefore your magic casting. pressing (tapping) a button over pulling a trigger will be different enough for me with respect to having a difference between casting or shouting.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
I was only suggesting that the option of a tap rather than a long press would be a nice feature based on peoples preference in play styles. For me, I think tapping is more accurate in executing. Again, without ever playing or seeing exactly how this works, it's a bit premature to predict how well this is going to work.