» Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:14 am
I really hope it's not like Two Worlds 2 where your imprisoned in some social Hell where your leashed to some guy talking to you, being pulled back unable to get away from the other person that's speaking, spamming the cancel button, cracking your controller in several places, eyes straining with anger, forehead breaking out in sweat, wishing combat could be initiated during conversations so the whole experience becomes a part of the past as quickly as possible. :ahhh:
Personally I'll be glad if NPC's were varied depending on their personality, some may go straight to the point, while others will go off talking about some mubcrab they saw by a body of water, in which you could, hopefully, stop them and help them focus on the main topic, or what your interested in. Also if I can run away from the speaking NPC, taking a disposition loss because it's so rude, in an effort to deal with something else, I'd be a happy camper.