Now, before I go wasting 400mb of my precious download limit on a mod that might not work, I have a few questions. Is FWE compatible with: Apocalypse Armory DC Interiors MMM Brisa Fellout and WMK?
And are there any recommendations as to what else I should get while I'm at it?
Also, is there anything I should look out for? Keeping in mind I'm a bit of a nub when it comes to using FO3 edit or the GECK, so I'd prefer it if I could avoid using those as much as possible. Cheers
Now, before I go wasting 400mb of my precious download limit on a mod that might not work, I have a few questions. Is FWE compatible with: Apocalypse Armory - Compatible with a patch. DC Interiors - Compatible MMM - Compatible with a patch. Brisa - Compatible with a patch. Fellout -Compatible and WMK? - Compatible with an FOIP patch.
And are there any recommendations as to what else I should get while I'm at it?