I was just reading a fan-fic that mentioned the character carrying a health potion and I wondered, how would this potion actually work in real life (well as real as the fantasy world)?.
In the games you take a potion and are hit with an immediate effect whether it be resistance to something or a healing effect. So how does this work? I'd assume that within the world, outside of the game, a potion would be fast acting, effecting certain parts of the body, especially key parts of the brain, to cause this effect to occur. Say for a healing potion it could cause the body to rapidly close wounds, clot blood, possibly releasing endorphin into your system to lessen the feeling of dread or weakness.
To me that sounds rather reasonable, at least for healing though i'm not sure about other effects.
I've just always been interested in herblore and alchemy and never really thought of this until reading the fan-fic haha.
How do others think it might work within the world and outside of the games, and how might characters take advantage of the uses. Soldiers carrying bottles around with them? Mages and alchemists being hired to make potions for the different military forces? I don't think there is much detail in terms of this subject.