Potpurri: Video Game Ideas

Post » Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:01 am

I've been thinking lately of a couple of video game ideas I think would be kind of cool to see.

1) Big Trouble In Little China: The Video Game

I just watched this last weekend and was thinking how video game like it is. You have a modern day setting with chinese magic and lore thrown in for good measure.

First, You have an evil incarnate villain and his "Storms" henchmen.

Second, you have a damsel (or 2) in distress. You go to the White Lion to rescue them.

Third, go to the home base (Wong's Restaurant) and plan the next move.

Fourth, you have a Chinese slave ring that you need to break up. To do so, you have a "too much like a video game" setting in a strange warehouse. You have lots of bad people, traps and tricks, and then an escort of the freed slaves outside.

Throw some great "sidekicks like Wang, Egg Chen, Gracie Law, Eddie, and the reporter and you have a great cohesive, albeit dysfunctional group with a "not-so-perfect" antagonist :)

2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traveller_%28role-playing_game%29 (how GDW spelled their game) the RPG Space game.

This was a tabletop RPG that took place ion space. Depending on how one's group played, it could be anything from a space pirate game to a space merchant game. My group happened to be space merchants, buying goods on one planet to sell them on another. We built up our ship (I was really into the High Guard supplement), made improvements, and had loads of fun!

It was a d6 system, using only d6 for all the rolls. If one disliked their character, they went through the Scouts (very high mortality rate). The Scouts was also the branch that had a chance for a small starter ship.

Anyway, you gathered your crew (pilot, navigator, engineer, marines,electrical and mechanical techs, and whatever else you needed and headed for the stars.

Waddya think? Possibilities? Got any other IPs (not already video games) you think may make great games?

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Amy Masters
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