Power Armor and all the new features of it...

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:55 am

You know that when the tools are out the first thing is going to be re-vamped power armor...

I might have to make a voiced guidance system :)

If the suit doesn't run on a power cell that has a limit to its use than the first thing to do would be to write in some scripts that enforce limitations and I certainly see it happening a lot sooner than later as stuff like that already exists for the previous games in mods.

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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:31 am

It's power armor... there isn't suppose to be a limit to its use except maybe health, that's the whole point of it.

As someone pointed out, its an unlicensed nuclear reactor strapped to the back of an exo-skeleton that lets you be a loud and proud, door kicking god of the wastelands right up to the moment your nose to nose with a deathclaw.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:42 am



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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:05 am

You love it and I hate it - it's a travesty IMHO and I would love to have the old armor back...the lore never says PA is a walker (hell, make that walker heavy power armor and the normal one infantery power armor and give us a lighter version (light armor instead of heavy armor!) as scout power armor!) -.- and those power cores? - All the PA in Fallout so far has had power cores that lasted for CENTURIES (the US-Military replaced all the older suits that required small energy cells which needed to be replaced often!)

I hate that you can't integrate PA into your gameplay this way without making huge sacrifices -.- (can't probably even enter buildings with it -.-)...sure having it airdropped sounds neat, but after a while it just gets tedious (having to wait for your armor to arrive, seeing it descend from the sky etc. etc....hell, if you leave it: will it be picked up again or will you have to bring it back to your base?)...I hate tedium in games (RL is enough of a chore for me (not that I hate my life or anything!), I don't need those in games!)

Sorry, but no, I really don't like it and I am hoping for a mod to give me the old PA from the previous games back!

greetings LAX

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Ashley Hill
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:59 am

Still trying to wrap my mind around 'why' anyone that owned a suit of power armor in Fallout would choose to wear something else, unless maybe it was just a mission that required them to be stealthier than the power armor allowed.

And if there is any other limiting factor to its use than keeping it in good repair then I may just snap the CD in half and go back to wandering in DC and Nevada because that would just ruin the game.

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joseluis perez
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:36 pm

I actually never wore power armor in any of the past Beth games.. I had it.. but I always took the stealthy approach to everything and even if there was a perk that made it so you could be stealthy in power armor, that seemed really goofy to me. But it also really didn't matter as by end game you could skip through flying bullets in your underwear. I still don't plan on using it if I don't have to.. However, I will put every set I can find together just so I can play around in them. I always liked the look of power armor but never found it that useful. It'll be interesting to see how useful it is in F4.

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Michael Korkia
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:23 am

Reasons why not to wear power armor:

1. Power armor is scary. Power armor is like walking around in full body armor with an assault rifle nowadays - it's going to prevent you from doing a lot of business, and probably will get the cops called on you. If you want to interact with someone in a non-violent way, wearing power armor is not the way to go.

2. Power armor is slow. If you want to move around fast, then you shouldn't be wearing a tank.

3. Power armor limits agility.

4. Power armor requires skilled maintenance.

5. Power armor requires fuel.

6. Power armor is large. If you're trying to fit into a doorway or crawl through a ventilation shaft, you may not be able to do so in power armor.

7. Power armor is heavy. When running around ruined buildings, the power armor may weight so much that you'll fall right through the floor.

8. Power armor is valuable. If raiders see a lone person running around in power armor, they would reasonably want to take said armor away.

9. Power armor is uncomfortable. Think about sitting in a furnace in the desert for hours or days on end.

10. Power armor is inconvenient. You have to get out of the whole thing to eat or use the bathroom, and it's probably not that great to sleep in.

It's unknown which, if any, of these reasons (or others) Bethesda is going to implement.

In short, there are plenty of reasons why a realistic soldier wouldn't always want to be wearing his power armor, even for missions where power armor is not required.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:04 pm

Once again Langy I'll have to agree to disagree with you.

And for the record when I ducked bullets for a living I would have loved to have an air conditioned, controlled environment suit, that not only enhanced my communications and threat detection ability turning me into a virtual sensor station but doubled as a mobile firing platform for high end ordinance I normally would only see mounted on vehicles, allowing me to put as much lead on target as a tank, but also provided a high degree of protection against pesky little things like incoming bullets... but that's just me I guess.

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Rob Davidson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:38 am

You're assuming a lot, Rhaven. Fallout doesn't have the miniature electronics that we do - Power Armor is not a sensor platform, and I'm not even sure if it's air conditioned/environmentally controlled. I don't believe it even has a radio built into it.

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:08 pm

I can't believe I'm actually about to get into this debate but here goes.

The electronics used in the Fallout universe actually are superior to and probably more miniaturized than our present day realistic electronics. How do we know this? because some of the suits were made in prototype with on board computers that operated with AI's. The Sneaky Suit from Old World Blues, and the MP-47 prototype medic suit in FO3. Find enough diodes, vacuum tubes, and capacitors to build a computer with enough processing power to support AI and I'll locate you the caravan of tractor trailers you'd need to move them from point A to point B.

How do we know that power armor is environmentally self-contained? Try walking into Vault 106 of FO3 while in a full suit with the helmet sometime. The result is no hallucinations. Take the helmet off and you get hallucinations from the gas pumped in the place, helmet back on hallucinations stop... see where this is going?

And if the suits don't come with a radio built into them, then why does the guard at the Outcast base say she will "radio" to the commander inside to talk to the player before letting him/her through the gate? Does she actually mean that she's going to use Telepathy to let the guy know she's letting you in?

I don't ASSUME anything Langy, I just use a little common sense and some reasoning skills to think my way through the not so obvious and arrive at logical conclusions that I can usually back up with facts in the real world and in the game worlds.

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Alexander Horton
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:24 pm

That's actually not what I meant by environmentally self-contained. It's obviously a complete NBC suit; I was referring to air conditioning and things of that nature.

By using a radio that's not included with the suit, obviously.

Neither of those are AIs, and both could be built with today's technology and something the size of a postage stamp. The Pip-Boy is a roughly early 1980s-era computer equivalent requiring computational electronics significantly larger than a mobile phone.

Finally, no power armor provides a PER bonus - PA helmets do not have significant on-board sensors. The closest thing they get is a flashlight.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:42 pm

Okay I'm just going to let this drop since its obvious your in it just to argue without checking your "facts", you don't like power armor I get it and that's your choice, gods speed on it.

But as a tip don't try arguing it public since there is power armor that provides a perception bonus, the Sneak Suit, the air in a sealed suit Has to be conditioned or you broil from your own body heat, and yes both of the suit AI's I mentioned ARE AI's and are referred to that way in the game and on fallout wiki.

Which is an excellent source of information for you to base your argument positions on by the way since I'm starting to doubt you've actually paid attention to anything in the game beside your target marker, lol.

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Katy Hogben
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:15 pm

Seems to me like a bit of a waste if that Power Armor is just going to sit in your garage, looking pretty most of the time. Where you only get to take it out on a spin during a few very specific story missions. If that was true you might as well not even have that thing.

There are certainly ways the Power Armor can be curbed in overall strength. I highly doubt it will regenerate health from a stimpack or drinking irradiated toilet water. So it seems like something that needs to be repaired and maintained, overuse could result in it being "destroyed". And we do know from the reveal trailer it needs to be repaired as there is a Repair option when tinkering on the Power Armor.

Then there are also parts being applied to the Power Armor, these seem to be pulled from the Inventory so i think for the demo they just had a character who had all the parts on him/her to show it off. In actual gameplay these parts might not be that easy to come by. They could be costly to produce yourself, might require a perk to do so. Or costly to buy and rare to find.

And what we also know from the trailer is that power armor parts (armor parts in general perhaps) can be blasted off, possibly as a result of them being destroyed as each part seems to have a "Health".

A naked Power Armor is a vulnerable Power Armor. It is entirely feasible that's how they plan to balance free-use. You can take it out whenever, but you need to repair it's damage and the parts that give the Power Armor it's damage resistance can be lost and costly to replace should you be to reckless with it.

That is not including other potential drawbacks, such as not being able to sneak around as much and really drawing attention from enemies more. Being easier to hit in such a bulky suit and possible to big to fit everywhere.

So i can imagine that the Power Armor is free to use, and that it's strong brute force is balanced out by being high maintenance cost.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:52 pm

Yeah, I think you're right. And the first model you get, the t-45d, is even more limited because it's power source is so much more finite - there was a HUD meter for power in the power armor demo, and in the crafting reel you could see a "PA Bat Dam Rate" stat appear on the t-45d pieces... hopefully they've found a more descriptive name for that stat between when that video was taken and when the game comes out.

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Gavin boyce
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:32 pm

And a game is suppose to be balanced, you can't make the PA that powerful and not hamper it in some way, double so if we get to keep that PA from the very strongly hinted early game quest with Preston.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:10 am

The Sneak Suit isn't Power Armor - or at least not the kind that's in Fallout 4 and that I'm talking about (just because it has an electric charge does not make it power armor).

Air does not have to be conditioned in a sealed suit. Just look at literally any modern NBC suit.

Those suit 'AIs' are not AIs in the form of Zax, Eden, or Skynet - all AIs that require either a building-sized computer or an actual organic brain to function (and Zax isn't even a true AI). They're dumb algorithms that can talk to you using pre-recorded lines and deploy medical items in an emergency.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:13 am

The limiting factor to using it, hopefully, will be the same limiting factor in previous games, the price of keeping it repaired or finding the parts to repair it. You'll either have to hunt down the modular units as they get blasted off you, or spend a ton of caps if you can find someone with the skill to repair them for you. Depending on what your tangling with, rifle packers or guys with missile tubes, that can turn into a chore of itself.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:27 am

I am hoping that you will need S-10 (see picture with PA on chart) in order to use PA.

That way you will have to make a choice, PA or something else.

If you have to put 9 point of your 21 points into Strength to start the game in order to use PA.

Then it will make you low in all other areas.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:42 am

If they go to the extreme of making you get a 10 stat in anything to use power armor, then that's a deal breaker for me and the pre-order is going back to gamestop, lol.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:33 am

It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to require ST 10 to use power armor. Power armor is powered, ie it has servomotors to assist movement. It's specifically designed for weaker people to use it, in other words.

Also, they've shown gameplay where you get into Power Armor at level 2 prior to even putting any perk points into anything and with a character who started out with less than ST 10 (if I remember right).

Finally, the ST 10 perk image has the Vault Boy character outside the Power Armor, seemingly stopping it from moving by just touching it. That's not a perk image that screams 'take this to enable the use of power armor'.

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remi lasisi
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:03 am

Really don't understand why so many people seem to be hating on the power armor when its always been a main component of the fallout games.

Seems sorta like people that buy a first person shooter game then complain their isn't enough variety of melee attacks to suit them.

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Liv Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:44 pm

I might be wrong on this, but the "hate" is two-sided for the most part.

On one side is the people who loved to use argueably the most iconic equipment, the Power Armor, who are upset that it's no longer a regular piece of gear. That they cannot just play the game in full Power Armor anymore as they would previously (untill the mods come out). As Power Armor looks like it's a special kind of thing, and even if you could use it liberally it's not quite the same game exprience.

Or they fear that Power Armor cannot be use liberally at all.

On the other side are the people who see the new Power Armor as unbalancing to the game. It's tanky, bulky, you can strap a jetpack on it (doubt thats standard), you don't take health damage. They're afraid it'll just make Fallout 4 easy-mode. Any obstacle could just easily be tackled by throwing your Power Armor around. Because it's not "regular" armor anymore, it's like a super-mode.

So the hate is mostly about how Power Armor has changed. I think most people who hate the current itteration wouldn't have said a word of Power Armor was the same thing it was previously, a high tier set of armor you just equip like any other.

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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:43 am

Well for the people that are fussing about something to limit its use, as far as I can tell from studying screen shots its still got the same limiting factor that it always had. When you break it, it don't work anymore till repaired.

The only alteration I can see to that is that its a layered suit with segments that have to be maintained instead of a single unit.

As far as people worried that its going to make F4 an easy mode thing, all I can say is if they don't like it then don't use it, but stop trying to tear it apart for the people that do occasionally like to wade through a mob like their made of paper.

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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:49 am

That's what has been part of the discussion. From the reveal we know there is a Repair option when you're working on the Power Armor.

We also know from the reveal that the core of the Power Armor is just a naked frame, with modules slapped on top of it. A chassis, shoulders, helmet, legs, etc. In the trailer the character demonstrating it had all these parts unlocked, but they came from the players inventory.

So they are items that need to be acquired, crafted perhaps, and apply once. And seen is that these parts have their own stats and health.

What has also been seen in the trailer is how someone from the Brotherhood of Steel wearing PA lost part of that armor when hit by a rocket. So these parts can likely be destroyed and are lost, meaning you need to make more or somehow acquire parts to replace the broken pieces. Maybe they can be recovered and salvaged, but we don't know.

And finally what we could also see in the trailer where the Sole Survivor uses the PA is that it consumed energy. The Sole Survivor puts in a power core in the back of the PA, and when in the PA the hud shows "Core". Initially the Core is at 100, but slightly further on in the reveal, after some action, the Core has dropped somewhat. So it likely also consumed energy in some form.

That means that to use the Power Armor you need to keep it repaired, don't take to much excessive damage or you might lose parts, and it will use up energy to power the suit.

These seem entirely capable of offsetting the liberty to use your Power Armor when you see fit as there is a clear cost involved in using it.

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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:17 pm

Power Armor in FNV was a joke.

There was a finite point at which your player character had maxed DT and then at that point it was far better to just use light armor, of course by about the same time the player might find power armor.

Then there were also several drawbacks to power armor in general however the main issue's that caused me to never use power armor were as follows.

1) Movement Speed

2) Max DT achievable with perks, light armor, and other odds an ends.

3) Weight

4) Sneak

Its my hope that the armors in the game in general are better than before.

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