Power Armor and all the new features of it...

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:38 pm

1. Yeah, let's not wear an anti-radiation tank in a deadly wasteland because it's "scary".

2. Source? In Fallout 1 and 2 this isn't the case IIRC.

3. Only the T-45 model limits agility. In both older and newer games the T-51 doesn't limit the agility of the wearer, and in older games the strength bonus was higher.

4. They lasted 200 hundred years and some of the suits haven't been maintained at all.

5. How is this an issue? It has a microfusion pack with a century of "fuel". The wearer is more likely to die before the power pack does.

6. Hasn't been an issue in any of the Fallout games.

7. In terms of gameplay it isn't all that heavy.

8. If the game portrayed the armor in a lore accurate way, then instead the raiders would be cleaning the feces out of their pants when they see someone in T-51 coming.

9. Source? They aren't portrayed this way in the games at all.

10. *sigh* This is also incorrect as the T-51 incorporates a waste recycling system.

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Chris Duncan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:49 am

There was always a point during the FO3 and in NV where I no longer 'needed' power armor, but I still wore it anyway because it was cool. Would I like for the PA to be so over powered you can crush anything you run against? Sure I would. Do I mind that there putting the power limiting factor on it? I can live with it as long as they don't make the energy cells 1% away from impossible to locate. Will there still be people that are going to hate on power armor no matter what happens with it? seems like it and my response to them is if you know a better armor/skill combo then use it.

And don't go down that road DemonsBlade, stay away from the light at the end of that tunnel.

I don't know where he's pulling his information from but he switches between different fictional genres and real life science as its convenient to support his remarks and doesn't respond well to having them shot out of the water by facts or canon statements.

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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:57 pm

Well, this is the first time I'm actually looking forward to using Power Armor since Fallout 1 and 2 these suits have not been that cool in a while.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:44 am

Let the limit be optional, how does it hurt anybody's game what those who want something different are able to craft into the game they bought with their own money to enjoy as a single player?

What is wrong with giving players the choices to replay a game with as many variations as reasonable so it can appeal to as many different tastes as possible?

I think the more players get out of replaying their game, the greater the chance they become loyal fans and more likely recommend it to others.

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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:18 am

I'd rather have movement speed than defense anyway 99% of the time. I've never liked how slow Power Armor makes you walk in 3 and NV.

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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:34 pm

I doubt they would give you so much customization and just have it be a limited use item. We have got paints, attachments, and different models. However I think its uses will be greatly limited early game and not so much late game.

Remember that all of the in game power armor footage has only come from one part of the game. So really it could work in an entirely different way than what we are thinking.

Im sure they wont put one of their most iconic armors on the backburner for a limiting use situation. It only servers as to gimp PA players and do nothing else for all the other styles of play. The light and medium users will just avoid using it, while the people who use it as a part of their build wont have it the majority of the time. Its just not logical.

And to those who say its overpowered, how about we tone down sneaking to bring it on par with PA. Sneak has been the most broken play style for the past 2 games. If your going to advocate for gimping something that hasn't even been played yet, how about instead we start with something that has.

Note that I dont judge anyone by how they like to play, until they want to come and bring balance to the table.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:40 pm

As far as getting it early: I am 100% sure the deathclaw fight occurs in Concord and that it is just beyond the Red Rocket where you pick up Dogmeat. I think Preston Garvey's may even be the first quest in the game. So they're definitely giving us a choice of whether or not to use it early on.

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Ice Fire
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:01 am

Entire game ruined.

Hear that Bethesda? Make one wrong design step and we're throwing years of writing and modeling on the floor.


Give the disk to a kid who's a little less picky then eh?

Man the rhetoric these days... One thing and it's all for naught.

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James Hate
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:12 am

The T-51b and advanced power armor are indeed established to be capable of running for centuries without dying. The T-45d, on the other hand, was basically made obsolete by the former two because it drained power so quickly. I'm gonna assume that it will be the most common power armor, just like in Fallout 3, and it will also be the only one that uses up energy. That would make sense with the gameplay footage we've seen so far, since it was a T-45d that was being used.

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:14 pm

Haven't yet seen this theory thrown around (unless I missed it) but what if the limiting factor is not the power cell --- which is supposed to last two hundred years or whatever ---- but the power ~systems~ of the armor? Like, the power system will overheat and some relay or circuit somewhere will burn out and has to be replaced. The actual power core, once installed as shown in the video, will last forever. But the armor itself can still be limited by being a 200-year old suit of armor (no one is making NEW suits, I imagine), so not only do you have to replace the busted-up right arm and left leg but you have to cobble together some work-around so that the power system doesn't shut down after X minutes of use.

Reading about the way the armor can be damaged in pieces reminded me of a scene from Iron Man 3 (was on TV this past weekend) where Tony Stark had only one glove and one boot on and was awkwardly flying around the room and blasting people. I could just imagine Vault Boy in power armor with one arm busted up, hanging at his side, while he tried to swing a street lamp with his left hand and shield his right side from incoming fire....

I never used power armor myself because I did not care for the bulky look and the (perceived, perhaps) noisy and slow nature of it. I would have loved to wear some skimpy raider armor (Painspike) but that was a bit too weak for practical use. That said, this ~new~ power armor is actually intriguing and I am likely to at least try it out a few times.

If it's limited --- as it should be, if it is as powerful as I'd like it to be ---- then I do worry that it'll sit in my garage, all fixed up and painted pretty and never actually ~used~. There are, I suppose, Vaults or specific areas of town where I might recognize that, hey, that area is TOUGH and I will need an edge! And then I will know to go get the power armor. I'd just hate to think I wore it out wandering the wastes and fighting the odd mole rat and then it runs out of juice (or whatever). In a way, I guess, making it limited use and super powerful will actually ~encourage~ me to use it for specific tough areas, instead of as "everyday wear". Which should make using it a more exhilarating experience.

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:58 am

The real question is: if the player can use that monster...what about other factions (like the BoS)?

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:35 pm

One of my favorite Fallout moments was in Fallout 3's Point Lookout DLC, when you go into a mansion and the floor crumbles beneath you and you fall down through several stories into the basemant. Well, the first time that happened I was wearing Power Armor, and it's was perfect. I was just thinking "Yep, that's what you get for wearing hundreds of pounds of armor in a two hundred year old ruin."

I hope that there are moments like that FO4, but that only happen in PA. It was a complete accident that I happened in that game while I was wearing PA, but that I was added a lot to the experience. I love it when gear choice has consequences.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:01 am

Just out of curiosity, where were you stationed? I was at Aviano AB, Italy, 31FW 555th (triple nickel) squadron. F016C and F016D models. 2001 - 2005
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:53 am

1) People know that anybody in Power Armor has their house in order, and is not one to be trifled with.

2) Not that slow.

3) You don't need to be particularly agile when the bullets fear you.

4) Those who can, do. Those who can't will be crushed under the Power Armored boot of those who can.

5) In-universe, Power Armor uses fusion power cores and doesn't need to be refueled more than once every couple of centuries.

6) Andre the Giant managed to move around in regular sized buildings.

7) Valid point, but if conventional Combat Armor is going to be unrealistically effective at keeping you from getting knocked on your keister every time you get shot, you should be able to wear Power Armor indoors.

8) And they will die trying if they are foolish enough to make such an attempt.

9) Regular Combat Armor is extremely uncomfortable, and Power Armor probably has climate control.

10) Would you rather be able to snack on the go, or travel securely in the knowledge that nothing short of a missile is going to touch you?

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Robert Jr
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:05 am

We have seen a raider wear a power armor in the combat trailer. Of course it didn't look clean and polished, by very rag-tag with pieces of scrapmetal. But as the chestplate was blown off it looked likt there was a Power Armor underneath.

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Danii Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:18 am

I just realized - with the new Power Armor, it may be impossible to sneak in it.

In real life, I'm much happier snacking on the go:D

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:50 am

IMO PA has needed a major buff but I'm also the easy peasy player wading through deathclaw corpses in a duster. I loved the appearance but overall it was meh. Perhaps it became far more important on high difficulties but I get the feeling that's not true. PA should be god mode far as I'm concerned ;)
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