So from the little ive seen it seems they have completely overhauled PA. Im so excited they actually turned PA into more of a vehicle/mount rather than it being treated like regular clothing.
So ive heard there will be an option to have it dropped off to your player, so im assuming that we can no longer keep PA in the inventory? I personally like this change. Im hoping it makes using PA more of a bigger decision, like 'do I want to use this resource?' I think its going to add a lot in terms of how people actually approach battles and prepare for them as well.
It also seemed as though they might actually need a power source too now.... thats beautiful IMO. So its not like we can just strap on our PA anytime things get a little tough and wear it as long as we want.
Im curious to hear some other peoples takes on this as well as ideas about what types of mods we will be able to add?