What do i have to do to get it back?
The same thing happened to me after docking the set of T60 I've found...thought it would be safe at their power armor station as I have the first set docked at the Red Rocket. Mine disappeared after buying a new power armor frame so I assume that they limit how much power armor we can own at once which svcks as I planned on making a display room full of suits. I removed the core so it couldn't have been stolen.
If you need another frame, you may find one
Raiders can steal it, you need to take the fusion core out of it to keep them from entering it.
Theres also many more power suits out there to find and you can sometimes buy power armor frames from vendors too that you can place down on the ground.
I had 4 suits at my station in settlement.
No Cores in them.
NPC stole one (with no core), but wasn't displaying correctly. When approached, dialog was "I need you to exit the Power Armor", but no NPC response.
NPC was 'stretched' (spaghetti-fied?), as if to 'fit' armor.
Logged out, returned, NPC normal, NPC dialog normal, Power Suit GONE. Upgraded set of T51 armor (to T51-D, with paint, some mods), and it's all just GONE.
What good are Power Armor suits in this game, if NPC's and Raiders can and WILL steal them? Even with no cores, they just vanish. Any work you've put into them, GONE.