So something that has come up a lot is Fallout 4's use of fusion cores. One thing that seems to be thrown around is the length of time post T51 models were supposed to have lasted with their internal energy source. I've seen 100, 200, even 500 years being mentioned. So which is it? I admittedly have not played much of the earlier Fallouts so I'm not well versed on their specifics but from what I've read, the T45 had something similar to Fallout 4's fusion cores and after that there was an internal long term energy source. But was it ever stated what that expected experiation was? If it's 200 years, then it makes sense why they'd have to revert back to using the throwaway fusion cores since it has been over 200 years since the Great War. I'd just like to know what was actually meant to have been 'lore correct' for the PA power sources