What kind of concerns me there, is that there's no DT rating displayed, just Damage, Energy and Rad Resist. The DT system was pretty good, since it gave other armors a purpose (high end Light or Medium Armor was just as good against most small handguns as Power Armor), instead of just making Power Armor completely and utterly superior in all circumstances, like it was in Fallout 3.
Plus, i loved the various ammo types that were related to the DT system. My hobby was collecting bullets and breaking them down into more specialized bullets, such as Hollow Points, Armor Piercing, Slugs, etc. Using a Riot Shotgun against low DT targets? 12 Gauge Magnum Rounds. Fighting a Medium DT target? 12 Gauge Flechette Rounds. Fighting a high DT target? 12 Gauge Slugs.