Ok, I highly doubt I am the only one that thinks this but out side of a few mods (head lamps, and the jet pack) the power armor doesn't really feel well modible most of its mods are just armor and seeing as the thing is already a walking tank why not make it feel more like a freaking tank.
power armor mod suggestions
the power armor has a few cool but useless mods (tesla), so how about add some mods that make sense for a walking tank armor.
hand mods
weapon system
info: add a weapon slot to the arm, this slot over rides the grenade or melee function of your main weapon depending on what it is loaded with. ( melee is left hand only as you hold weapons with right) as a bonus if the player is unarmed these sub systems work as their main weapons, allowing hte person to dual wield.
weapons/ melee
ballistic fist
info: melee attacks use 3x .45 ammo dealing the damage of 3 shots from a combat rifle +melee damage + power armor damage, if target dies from hit they will be gibbed.
hooked ripper
info: upon melee do high limb damage +chance to disarm target
hydraulic fist
info: attaches a complex hydraulic system to the fist, that gives it enough force to shatter power armor.
note: has a 50% chance to out right destroy power armor parts making this mod a must have for taking on heavy power armor units.
weapons/ ranged
note: if put on right hand is used when you are unarmed in power armor, if put on left hand is used with grenade key, holding the key will fire it until let go.
reloading: all wrist weapons are reloaded by removing their ammo from a small port in the back of the hand, be it a box of .38 ammo, flamer fuel, or a fusion core.
suggested right hand
info: work better as a main weapon or sub if main weapon runs out, I see most power armor players using a heavy weapon so these are generally lighter weapons.
wrist minigun
info: loaded with .38 ammo, has a small 40 round box.
damage: 8
accuracy: low
fire rate: same as a minigun
wrist flamer
info: a micro flamer which allows the user to burn anything in front of them. has only 20 fuel though.
damage: 10 + burn
range: 60
accuracy: pretty high arcs at 45.
fire rate: really high
wrist laser
info: loaded with fusion cells the wrist laser, fires like a laser musket, holding upto 4 charges. the wrist laser does the most damage of any suggested right hand weapon but at a cost of damaging the part it is on by 5point if fully charged.
suggested left hand
info: these weapons do more damage and would work better replacing the grenade s thrown.
wrist rocket.
info: loaded with 2 rockets, this exposed weapon system allows the user to fire smart rockets at enemies, these rockets will lock on to heat signatures.
damage: 150
ammo: 2
note: a dangerous mod as if the part is destroyed it will explode dealing 50 damage to the power armor user and 25 damage to each none destroyed part.
grenade lobber
info: loads with 3 frag grenades, works the same as a standard grenade difference being that it has 1.25x range and fires in a 3 grenade burst.
riot shield
info: a quick deploy roit shield when used protects the user from all none laser fire (glass doesn't stop lasers) untill it is destroyed, unlike other parts this has to be repaired separately, its advantage is it has 1000 HP in completely protects the user from all threats, though it does limit the user to one handed weapons while active, grenade key toggles only on left arm.
Torso mod suggestions
only one here, in the theme of weapons
micro rocket pod
info: places 2, 4 round rocket pods on the power armor, requires a targeting visor will automatically fire at any hostile deemed a threat by the user.
use: enter vats, sellect rockets you now have 8 free 100 damage attacks. must reload at a power armor station and requires 16 rockets to reload.