I'm on my second play-through and still haven't used Power Armor yet. Saving it for my 3rd for when I join the BOS
I'm on my second play-through and still haven't used Power Armor yet. Saving it for my 3rd for when I join the BOS
The PA gameplay is amazing.
Like get a few 40k mods thrown in the mix and you can have a decent substitute for space marine 2.
I use it when I do Brotherhood missions. I don't like the fact that riding a vertibird counts as walking so it drains the fusion core.
I find that PA is a lot more interesting. I don't mind that it is fairly slow because it's no longer designed for a "all the time" apparel. There is other armor you can wear other times. It does require fusion cores but those are pretty easy to come by. Running does make the fusion core deplete faster, but that just makes it more realistic. All in all I like the new PAs.
I like games where you start off as a wimp, getting your ass kicked by big bugs before you can do anything useful. Then you can go back later and stop those bugs into stains on the ground once you level up - Think Legend of Zelda, or the original Fallouts.
When I got it in the first quest, I was expecting them to take it away or for the armor to break down and self destruct... or something. Lo and behold, I got to keep it. I just let out a nice long siggggghhhhhhhh. It kinda told me the direction this game was going from that point.
My thoughts?
I think Power Armor(PA)is overpowered in this game. Fusion cores are in abundance and can be made to last awhile with the one perk in intelligence. The Power Armor itself is cheap to repair, and can be made better with upgrades. It makes the only reason not to use PA choice and travel.