So i was in the BOS's ship and ended up pickpocketing a powercore from one of the guys in power armour, this resulted in the guy getting out then getting back in with another power core to pickpocket.
So i was in the BOS's ship and ended up pickpocketing a powercore from one of the guys in power armour, this resulted in the guy getting out then getting back in with another power core to pickpocket.
another exploit is that you can take the armor pieces that are at the crafting stations without it counting as stealing. Go to the crafting stations and unequip the parts from the frame, they are now in your inventory without it being considered stealing.
yes but the thing about the one i found was that its an infinite supply of power cores for free
You can also use that soldier to create an infinite number of T60 suits.
yes but you dont need a very high pickpocket skill, you can alsways quicksave before stealing and reload the save to get it.
An exploit for Fusion Cores really shouldn't be necessary; I'm sitting on over 60 of the things and I don't even try to look for them... and I wear PA about 90% of the time (and I'm about to go into the legit end game, making enemies and all that). I do have Nuclear Physicist 3 which I bought up early as I could... but even if I didn't have that perk at all, I'd still be sitting on around 30 FC's.
I had about 12 cores when I decided to use the exploit. In the span of 6 cores, I found about 25. It made the exploit entirely pointless and just a waste of time.
thats not the only "Do this constantly" loop exploit.
theres a way to get a seemingly perminent +5 str + 50 Damage resistance and -10 rads per second.....Just keep one very old guy (Lorenzo Cabot) alive and talk to him then useing what he gives you then talk to him some more! ...its not can quit at any time......