You see, that's what I don't udnerstand, the non-si version works, but the the si version doesn't despite the fact that they are exactly the same, same script, same conditions, same everything, only more voices added :S All the voices are in a seperate quest aswell so I'm a bit stumped here at the moment trying to figure out WTF is going on here :/
I will try to go through your modlist today illtempered, SOMETHING must be going wrong SOMEWHERE... if I can just find out where... Bare with me please

Ok I thought it could have something to do with the Bashed Patch. I was thinking it was perhaps setting a GetInSEWorld flag on my mod causing it to cease to work in SI. This was luckily not the case. The modification on a vanilla Oblivion seems to work fine, so we're definately looking at a mod conflict here. Going to check the modlist of Illtempered now
UPDATE #2: EUREKA! I've found it!

Well it was alot easyer than I originally thought. I quickly realised something. You guys said the NON-SI version worked fine, this got me thinking. The problem lies with the 4MODS.bsa file in combination of the SI version of the modification. The NON-SI version registers the bsa file whereas the SI version does not:
The bsa file is registered:
PowerAttack Voicemod.espPowerAttack Voicemod - 4MODS.bsa
The bsa is not registered:
PowerAttack Voicemod.esp - The Shivering Isles.espPowerAttack Voicemod - 4MODS.bsaThe bsa file is registered:
PowerAttack Voicemod.esp - The Shivering Isles.espPowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles - 4MODS.bsa
Baddabing baddaba!
Basically there are 2 temporary solutions:
Rename the 4MODS bs file to "PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles.bsa"
Add "PowerAttack Voicemod - 4MODS.bsa" to your archive list in the Oblivion ini file
I'll update the readme ASAP!
Thanks for the feedback guys! I really hope this solves all the problems you have, if not, I'll be pulling my hairs out lol