TESNexus (TESN): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10980
Planet Elderscrolls (PES): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=174684&id=2820
ElricM: Pending
01. Introduction
Dear Elderscrolls community,
This modification will allow your character to use the taunts NPC use. Well known examples would be "I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!" and "Oh what's the matter? Is the baby gonna cry?". This modification requires the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE v0018 or newer) to work. There are two ways for your character to shout a taunt:
- By performing a PowerAttack (The attack where you hold your mouse button pressed longer than a normal attack)
- By pressing a key (You can set this key to whatever you like!)
I have also included most faction specific taunts just for fun or roleplayers. Examples would be "Sithis will feast on your soul!", "Be glad you will not live to see the day Lord Dagon walks the earth again!" and "For the Sheogorath!". There are two versions available, the normal one which doesn't require The Shivering Isles expansion pack and the other which does. The Shivering Isles version is different in that it adds Golden Saint and Dark Seducer taunts!
02. Requirements
In order for this modification to work you need the following:
- Oblivion v1.2.0.416
- Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) v0018 or later
v1.32 - The Shivering Isles:
- The Shivering Isles v1.2.0.416
- Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) v0018 or later
This modification will not work on outdated versions of the game!
03. Compatibility
This modification is, in general, compatible with every other modification out there. Not many vanilla Oblivion entries have been edited. There are four known compatibility problems:
1. Oscuro's Oblivion overhaul
Description: If my modification is loaded after OOO, lockbashing will cease to work. This is because my modification will override an edit OOO makes to one of the vanilla PowerAttack voices which controls lockbashing.
Solution: Make sure OOO is loaded AFTER the PowerAttack Voicemod.
2. Personality Idles
Description: If you taunt in first person using the OBSE "keypress function" an irreparable camera bug may happen. There seems to be a problem with the animations Personality Idles adds and the lipsynch system from Oblivion. The bug does not occur when you taunt in third person using the OBSE "keypress" function or when you do PowerAttacks in first person or third person.
Solution: Both the author of Personality Idles and me have been unable to fix the problem as it is not a problem with the plugins itself. The only solution is to prevent taunting in first person using the OBSE "keypress" system.
3. Localized versions of the game
Description: Some localized version of the game such as the Spanish version may not work properly. I recently discovered that localized versions use different directories than the English versions of the game.
Solution: Although it is possible to fix this, it requires someone with a localized version of Oblivion to redo most of the work. I do not have access to localized versions so I will not be able to do this.
4. Diverse Voices
Description: This modification is completely compatible with my modification save for a few races. Diverse voices changes the Orc's race voices from Nord to Orc. My modification does not include this folder. It's not an issue unless you use Diverse voices, play as an Orc and want to use my modification.
Solution: Scroll down to the "PowerAttack Voicemod - 4MODS" section.
If you find any more compatibility problems, please report them in the official thread!
: : In-game menu : :
- Can be accessed by pressing a key of your choice
- Allows you to choose which voicesystems you want to activate (i.e. Generic, Dremora or whatever you may want)
- Allows access to an in-game readme
: : Voicesystems : :
- Generic Taunts (All generic races and genders)
- Blades Taunts (Imperial, Altmer (M), Bosmer (M), Dunmer (M), Breton, Orc (M), Nord (M), Redguard (M))
- Mythic Dawn Taunts (All generic races except Redguard (F), Argonian, Kahjiit)
- Arena Taunts (All generic races except Redguard (F))
- Dark Brotherhood Taunts (All generic races except Redguard)
- Vampire Taunts (All generic races)
- Dremora Taunts (ALL races, including Xivilai, Golden Saint/Dark Seducer)
- Xivilai Taunts (ALL races, including Dremora/Golden Saint/Dark Seducer) - Thank you AlienSlof for your permission to use your files!
- Legion Taunts (Mostly Imperial, added only per request. There were some recordings for Bretons, High Elves and Nords aswell)
- Golden Saint (ALL races, including Dremora/Xivilai/Dark Seducer)
- Dark Secuder (ALL races, including Dremora/Xivilai/Golden Saint)
- Hit voices for the above races and factions (I.e. "Paradise awaits me!" (Mythic Dawn) or "Hisss!" (Vampire))
- You can have multiple soundsystems active at one time
- When Dremora, Xivilai, Golden Saint or Dark Seducer is selected, generic PowerAttack grunts are silenced to keep immersion intact
: : Misc. : :
- Easy to configure (ini configuration file) and in-game menu
05. Installation and De-Installation
Extract all the contents of the archive to the Oblivion data directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. After this you must use the Oblivion launcher, the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash to activate the modification.
In order for this modification to work, make sure Oblivion is started via the OBSE loader executable or the modification will NOT work. I personally recommend Wrye Bash for this.
Make sure you set the correct values in the PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles.ini file! The default key settings are Page Up to taunt and Page Down to open the menu. You can change these settings in the ini file:
a1PAVMPowerAttackTauntingEnabled: When this option is Enabled (set to 1), your character will be allowed to shout taunts when performing PowerAttacks. When this option is disabled, your character will only use basic grunts for his or her race. Disabling this function is not recommended for the Xivilai race as they do not have any generic grunt voices (They will not say anything when performing PowerAttacks). Other Races do not have this problem since they all have generic PowerAttack grunts.
a1PAVMOnDemandTauntingEnabled: When this option is Enabled (set to 1), your character will be allowed to shout taunts on-demand whenever you press the configurable Taunt Key (OBSE's IsKeyPressed3 function). Disabling this feature does NOT disable the OBSE requirement!
a1PAVMHitSoundsEnabled: When this option is Enabled (set to 1), your character will be allowed to shout "spoken" hit sounds. When you disable this option your character can no longer make use of those hit sounds. Currently the modification has four of these "spoken" hit sounds:
- "Paradise awaits me."
- "I do not fear death."
- "Aggh! Sithis save me!"
- "Night Mother! I beg your mercy!"
Disabling this option will not disable custom grunts.
a1TrademarkPowerAttackOBSEQuest02.TauntKey: This option allows you to specify a Taunt Key for the on-demand taunting feature. Refer to the ini file for more information on how to set a key (Default = Page Up).
a1TrademarkPowerAttackOBSEQuest03.MenuKey: this option allows you to specify a Menu Key to open the in-game menu. Refer to the ini file for more information on how to set a key (Default = Page Down).
De-installation is easy. Just remove the PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles.esp file, PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles.ini file and the PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles.bsa file from your Oblivion data directory. If you have also extracted the readme to the data directory, delete it as well.
06. Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
Q: Is this modification compatible with OOO/Fran's/MMM/FCOM?
A: Yes, this modification is compatible with a FULL FCOM installation as long as OOO is loaded AFTER my modification.
Q: Is this modification compatible with race modifications?
A: Yes, there shouldn't be any problems. If the custom race is set to use voice files from one of the generic races you can even use this modification with them.
Q: Why aren't there any directories for Khajiit/Dark Elf/Wood Elf/Orc/Breton female?
A: They are not required since Khajiits use the Argonian voice files, Dark and Wood elves use the High Elves voice files, Orc use the Nord voice files and the Breton Female uses Imperial Female voices. Adding these directories would be useless since they aren't used by Oblivion.
Q: My
A: Bethesda did not record all dialog for all races. Redguards for example have no Dark Brotherhood dialogue and Argonians/Khajiits have no Mythic Dawn dialogue. Since custom voice files would not be as good as the original they aren't included.
Q: My
A: Darn, it seems I've messed up! Report it in this thread.
Q: This mod causes my game to crash. You might want to check if it's stable enough next time maybe?
A: Highly unlikely, but if you insist: Report it in this thread.
Q: Are you sure it isn't your mod causing the crashes?
A: 100% sure? No, but this is not the kind of mod that causes crashes. Script/AI intensive modifications do. The scripts in my mod are something a Celeron CPU without MMX could handle.
Q: I think this mod is totally "teh svckage". Can I insult you for it?
A: No.
Q: I think this mod is totally "teh pwnage". Can I worship you like the Adoring fan?
A: No and it will likely result in me having to use Smite of Order on you...
Q: Can I contact you via MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/E-mail?
A: I see no reason why not, but I check this REL thread often enough, you will most likely get a much quicker response here.
07. Credits
Without these people v1.32 wouldn't be a REL right now but an idea ready for the trashcan:
The OBSE team - Functions used in the modification and script debugging.
AlienSlof - Xivilai voices and v1.2 feedback, thank you
kyoma - Fixing a nasty messagebox bug
The community - For providing feedback
Everybody I forgot - I am sorry, you know who you are, want me to add you? PM me!
08. Contact
From the F.A.Q.:
Q: Can I contact you via MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/E-mail?
A: I see no reason why not, but I check this REL thread often enough, you will most likely get a much quicker response here.
09. Changelog
- Added the option to Enable/Disable PowerAttack Taunting on the fly and via the ini
- Added the option to Enable/Disable On-Demand Taunting on the fly and via the ini
- Added the option to Enable/Disable Special Hit Sounds on the fly and via de ini
- Fixed some rather bad spelling errors in the in-game readme
- Massively trimmed down the startup script (87 lines to 15 lines, thank you OBSE!)
- Configuration now with the convenience and help of an ini file
- Corrected some spelling errors
- Improved script timing (It responds a lot better now)
- Removed the now obsolete reset ball
- Decreased the amount of message spam
- Updated the readme with some compatibility information
- Fixed an issue where PowerAttacks did not play (properly)
- Fixed one missing voice file
- Fixed the NoGeneric script
- Added a few Legion Taunts
- Added Shivering Isles support *
- Added Golden Saint Taunts *
- Added Dark Seducer Taunts *
- Added compatibility information about OOO and PI to the readme
- Removed the (obsolete) OMOD conversion data
- Removed the (obsolete) Beautiful People patch
- Redesigned the readme
* Only in PowerAttack Voicemod v1.3x - The Shivering Isles
10. Legal
Do not upload my modification anywhere without my permission
Do not use this modification or parts of it in your modification unless you received permission from me
Do not re-release this modification under your name
Do not sell this modification
The voice files in this modification are property of Bethesda Softworks and/or their partners.
I am not responsible for your hard disk suffering from a head crash when WinRAR is extracting the modification to the Oblivion data directory, nor am I responsible for any other damage caused directly and/or indirectly by this modification.
I hope you enjoy my modification!
: : Trademark : :
[REL] The PowerAttack Voicemod - 4MODS v1.11
01. Introduction
Dear Elderscrolls community member,
This is an optional compatibility addon for other modifications. Some race modifications or modifications that change the voices a race use can cause my modification to not work with specific characters.
02. Requirements
In order for this addon to work you need the following:
- The PowerAttack Voicemod ( - The Shivering Isles) v1.32 or later (BOTH the esp and bsa file!)
- A modification that benefits from this addon*
* Technically this is not required, but this BSA archive is obsolete and useless if you don't have a modification that benefits from it.
03. Supported Modifications
1. Diverse Voices
Description: This modification changes the Orc voices from Nord to Orc. The original modification of my modification does not include any folder named Orc, thus the modification will not work when Diverse Voices is used and when the player's character is an Orc. Diverse Voices also have an effect on Dark Elves, High Elves and Wood Elves.
04. Installation and De-Installation
If you are using the NON-SI version of the modification (PowerAttack Voicemod.esp):
Extract the BSA to the Oblivion data directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data.
If you are using the SI version of the modification (PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles.esp):
Extract the BSA to the Oblivion data directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. Now you must rename the bsa archive to "PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles - 4MODS.bsa" or the bsa archive will NOT get registered and it will NOT work then.
De-installation is easy. Just remove the PowerAttack Voicemod - 4MODS.bsa or PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles - 4MODS.bsa file from your Oblivion data directory. If you have also extracted the readme to the data directory, delete it as well.
05. Changelog
v1.11 (10-04-2009)
- Revised installation instructions for the Shivering Isles version
v1.1 (08-04-2009)
- Updated Diverse Voices support (fixes all races, not just Orc)
v1.0 (08-04-2009)
- First version
- Support for Diverse Voices
06. Legal
Do not upload this addon anywhere witouth my permission
Do not use this addon or parts of it in your modification unless you received permission from me
Do not re-release this addon under your name
Do not sell this addon
The voice files in this modification are property of Bethesda Softworks and/or their partners.
I am not responsible for your hard disk suffering from a head crash when WinRAR is extracting the addon to the Oblivion data directory, nor am I responsible for any other damage caused directly and/or indirectly by this addon.
TESNexus (TESN): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10980
Planet Elderscrolls (PES): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=174684&id=2820
ElricM: Pending
: : Trademark : :