This is basically a direct copy of the Fallout 3 version, so all features apart from the weapons added in the most recent release have made it over, and I'm not expecting any major bugs, just some possible errors of omission. Some notable changes are:
- Caesar's Legion Prime and Veteran troopers may spawn with composite T-45d power armor.
- Upgrade Pipboy icons now give in depth descriptions of each upgrade
- The scale used for power armor scaling has been reduced
- The vendors and unique item locations have changed (obviously)
- Power armor disassembly/reassembly uses the new recipe system
- The RobCo Rapid Recharge Station and Personal Breeder Reactor will now work anywhere, though their weights have been increased to prevent you from carting them around with you
- The faction can be stripped from Brotherhood power armors by disassembling them and rebuilding them as their factionless counterparts
- The two ranks of the Power Armor Mechanic perk have been combined into a single rank
Powered Power Armor adds several upgrades that can be used with power armor, about 20 of them. See the included Power Armor Upgrades List for a complete list and what they do. Think of them as mod kits for power armor - they come in the form of miscellaneous items that can be scavenged in the Mojave or purchased from various vendors. When you put on power armor any upgrades in your inventory replace themselves with armor objects that automatically equip themselves. Some are weapons, some apply various stat changes, and some have more elaborate scripted effects. The Pipboy icon for each upgrade contains text discussing how the upgrade works (in proper Fallout pseudo-science technobabble), what it does, and what armors it works with.
In addition to the upgrades, power armor is treated more like the machinery that it is. Different armors have different power supplies with various advantages and disadvantages. Enclave Advanced Power Armors and T-51b power armors both run on effectively inexhaustible nuclear power supplies - MicroFusion Packs. T-45d armors, and any armors added by custom mods, get their power instead from superconducting ceramic ultracapacitors - meaning they require periodic recharging. There is an advantage to the ultracapacitors though - they are able to produce a much higher power output (nuclear reactors tend to get a bit testy when you run them too hot) and therefore allow you to install some of the cooler upgrades. Liquid cooling allows power armor to be run at a higher power output without overheating, meaning faster movement, higher carry weight, and more damage with melee and unarmed weapons. Thermal Regulation Override accomplishes the same effect by basically ignoring the usual high temperature warnings, letting you push the armor closer to the limit (and past it if you don't mind a little singed flesh.)
If you'd like to use these high powered upgrades with one of the nuclear armors, you have two options. One is to purchase and install an Ultracapacitor Conversion Kit, meaning your armor will now require periodic recharging. The other is to scavenge or purchase one of the rarer, considerably more expensive experimental high power microfusion packs. These will let you use any high power upgrade without having to recharge.
A new HUD element will be added to your screen upon equipping power armor - the vault boy in power armor indicates that you are wearing power armor. If the icon is green (or whatever your chosen HUD color is) you are wearing charged or nuclear power armor. If the icon is dark grey, your armor is uncharged, and will be slowing you down considerably. You can charge it by entering the Powered Power Armor config menu (default hotkey "P") and selecting the Field Recharge option. Any suitable power sources that you have in your inventory will be shown there (fission batteries, microfusion cells, energy cells, electron charge packs, and ceramic ultracapacitors). Your armor will carry up to 300 kilowatt-hours of charge. Your armor's charge, if applicable, is shown to the right of the power armor icon, though if you are wearing nuclear powered armor a radiation symbol will appear there instead. The whole cluster of indicators can be repositioned on your screen by holding the config menu key ("P") until the rest of the HUD disappears, and then using the arrow keys while continuing to hold down "P".
If you've installed the Thermal Regulation Override upgrade, there will also be temperature readouts above and below the charge indicator. They indicate the upper and lower temperatures of your armor, not so much the temperatures inside of the machinery but the temperature of what's in contact with your skin. If either temperature gets above 130 degrees Fahrenheit an alarm will sound, and above 135 degrees you'll begin to take damage. You can lower your temperature by either stopping, walking, lightening your load, or toggling TRO off (its default hotkey is "Q"). When TRO is engaged, the power armor icon will turn red. (By now you're probably beginning to see why you needed power armor training).
Another feature of this mod is working UnderArmor - what recon armor was originally meant to be, something that could be worn under your power armor. There are four sets at the moment, each with a different advantage. Insulating UnderArmor will allow you to tolerate armor temperatures of up to 150 degrees, as well as improving your fire resistance. UnderArmors are equipped more or less how you would think - put the UnderArmor on, then equip power armor.
T-51b power armor protects better than T-45d and imposes less of an agility penalty due to its high precision hydraulic drivetrain (versus the T-45d and APA's electric servomotors) but the hydraulics are incompatible with a few of the upgrades. The Regenerative Overload Capacitor and Upper and Lower Precision Phase Controllers are designed to work with servomotor armors only.
Speaking of armors, three custom skinned power armors are also added. Composite T-45d, Enclave Onyx Stealth Armor, and Hardened T-51b. Composite T-45d can be built from schematics found somewhere in the Mojave, and will occasionally be found on Legion Prime and Veteran soldiers. The other two are unique, and will be a little harder to find. These armors include scripted effects that make them truly unique (or, in the case of Hardened T-51b, slower).
In an attempt to balance out the enormous advantages offered by power armor, nearly all power armors will reduce your sneak skill by 100 (though some upgrades improve it a bit). Furthermore, Stealth Boys have been altered to only work effectively with non-power armors (just because you're partially invisible doesn't mean they can't hear you.) Composite T-45d is the only power armor suitable for use with Stealth Boys by virtue of its quiet, low power stealth drivetrain.
Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, other features:
Power Armor Deconstruction - Upon the death of its wearer, power armor may break down into its constituent components depending on its condition and how much damage the wearer's limbs took. You'll need the Power Armor Mechanic perk to recognize and loot these components, and reassemble them into working power armor. Otherwise, aim for the head. Reassembly takes place at workbenches and uses the crafting menu, and the perk requirements are: Level 6, 50 Science, 50 Repair. You can also break down power armor to use its parts to rebuild other, better armors, or to rebuild faction armors as their non-faction counterparts.
Power Armor Explosions - Power armor will explode if you score a direct hit to the power supply. Both nuclear and non nuclear armors can explode, though the nuclear explosions are considerably more fun. Any shot to the torso that causes sufficient damage has a remote chance of causing the armor to explode, but shots to the back will make it happen 100% of the time (given the way the combat AI is written this is harder than you would think.) Only the player can cause explosions at the moment, so don't worry about suddenly blowing up.
Power Armor Scaling - The player and any NPC wearing power armor will automatically be scaled up by about 15%. This features introduced a couple of bugs that have been addressed as thoroughly as possible, but if you're having any problems with this mod disable this feature via the options menu. It is disabled by default.
Recharging Stations - There are two of them, the RobCo Rapid Recharge Station and the RobCo Personal Breeder Reactor. The recharge station will recharge your armor any any ceramic ultracapacitors in your inventory instantly. The reactor will recharge depleted fission batteries, and it takes 10 game minutes. Both are heavy and expensive.
Armor Plating Scraps - If an armor is destroyed during combat, some of the armor plating may be salvageable, and can be used to repair power armor and helmets. Scraps or repair kits will also be available from some vendors. There are four kinds - ceramic (used for T-51b and APA armors), steel (used for T-45d armors), composite (used for Composite T-45d) and titanium (used for Hardened T-51b).
Quest Dependent Loot - Which upgrades are available for purchase is dependent in some cases upon which quests you've completed. Most of the better upgrades in fact require that you've done something for the vendor or their faction before they'll be available for purchase. The effected merchants include Gloria Van Graff, Contreras, Mick, Torres, and Dr. Schuler.
Jump Fall Fixer - Included in the download is the independent mod Jump Fall Fixer. It's a workaround for the invisible ledge that crops up when jump height is increased too much.
NPC Upgrades - Nearly all upgrades can be used by NPCs, and will be spawned at random in NPC inventories (other than companions). This includes the Energy Pulse Generator, an area of effect weapon that can burn you, mez you, paralyze you or send you flying.
Weapons - There are also three energy weapons in the works that consume your armor's charge for ammo, though they are not a part of this initial release. They are heavily scripted, with multiple firing modes and other goodies. Two were a part of the most recent Fallout 3 release of this mod, but there were a couple of bugs to work out so I've decided to save them for beta 2.
Detailed Directions
Installing Upgrades:
Add the upgrade to your's or an NPC's inventory, equip power armor.
Uninstalling upgrades:
Unequip power armor. If you are trying to retrieve an upgrade from a companion, first remove their power armor. The armor upgrades will unequip themselves and become Misc. items. Remove them from your (or their) inventory, and place them in a container or on display (the models are pretty dull at the moment). Then re-equip your power armor. Star Paladin Cross's armor has been made playable to make uninstalling her upgrades possible.
Installing UnderArmor:
Put on the desired set of UnderArmor, then put on Power Armor.
Uninstalling UnderArmor:
Remove Power Armor, then unequip or change UnderArmor.
For a field recharge, enter the Power Armor menu by either pressing the hotkey (default "p") or by going to the armor section of your pipboy and clicking the "[PA] -Config-" item. If you have any suitable power sources, the first option in the menu will be "Field Recharge". Select it, then select the power source. Your suit's charge will be increased by the stated amount, up to the maximum of 300 kWh.
To use the RobCo Rapid Recharge Station, drop it from your inventory in a suitable area, activate it with the use key to install it, then activate the installed recharger and select the recharge option. The lights will dim, and your armor and ceramic ultracapacitors will be recharged instantly.
The RobCo Personal Breeder Reactor cannot recharge your armor directly, but it can be used to recharge the depleted fission batteries added to your inventory when you use fission batteries for a field recharge. Drop it from your inventory, install it, activate it, and select "Recharge". It will take one minute, but all of your batteries will be recharged at once. You'll be notified when it's done, but you'll need to return to the machine and activate it again to retrieve the batteries.
Thermal Regulation Override:
Press the toggle key (default "q") to turn it on or off. The power armor hud icon will turn red when the override is enabled. Running, particularly with a heavy load, will most likely cause you to overheat after about 10-15 seconds. Firing a heavy, big gun, or swinging a heavy melee weapon may also cause you to overheat, but its unlikely. If your upper or lower temperature hits 135F, you'll take damage (you'll hear it) and the temperature gauge will turn red. Stop what you're doing until its green again. You don't necessarily have to toggle the override back off to cool down, just stop running or swinging or whatever.
TRO's speed boost is configurable via the power armor menu (default "p" hotkey). The carryweight increase has also been increased to 1000, so what you can carry will be limited primarily by heat buildup. There is also a Strength Amplification Factor that can be used to vary the amount of weight carried by the armor versus by the player, though this will not come into play until the Imp's More Complex Needs patch has been released.
Energy Pulse Generator
The Energy Pulse Generator can be used to trigger an outburst of energy centered on the user, effecting any enemies within the blast radius. It has two (or more) parts, the Energy Pulse Generator, and the Energy Pulse Modulator(s). There are four different Pulse Modulators, each of which will allow a different kind of energy pulse to be generated. If you have an Energy Pulse Generator and at least one of the Energy Pulse Modulators, press the EPG key (default "C") to trigger an Energy Pulse. To switch pulse type, hold the EPG key. Your pulse type is shown by the pulse icon above and to the left of your HUD's power armor status icon. If the icon is red, the system is recharging, if it is green the pulse is ready to fire. Each pulse will discharge a significant portion of any Ultracapacitor powered armor's charge, but fusion powered armors will be able to fire indefinitely. Recharge times, however, will be significantly longer with fusion powered armors. Check the Energy Pulse Modulators in the Misc. section of your inventory to see which icon is associated with which pulse type. NPC's can and will use this weapon, so be careful if you give it to a companion.
Enclave Onyx Armor
Hold the crouch key for about a second to toggle the stealth field. Once on, you can stand back up by tapping the crouch key without disabling the field.
Composite T-45d Armor
The Stealth Boy effect has been reworked to remove most of the benefit of the stealth field if the user is wearing power armor. The exception to this is Composite T-45d Armor, which has quiet, low power servos made possible by the lower armor weight.
Power Armor Deconstruction
Enabled by default, this reduces the likelihood that the player will be able to salvage power armor intact. If the armor condition or limb condition of a power armor wearer is too low upon death, or if the power armor's power plant exploded, the power armor will break down into servos, a chassis, a powerplant, and either a shell (recoverable) or husk (non-recoverable) depending on the exact conditions. Rank 1 of the Power Armor Mechanic perk is required to recognize and salvage these parts. Rank 2 is required to reassemble them into working sets of power armor. They can be reassembled at a work bench or with the portable power armor repair kit, which should be dropped from the player's inventory and activated to initiate an assembly or disassembly.
Power Armor Explosions
In previous versions, power armor would explode if the wearer was killed via a shot to the torso. In the new system, power armor will no longer explode upon death, but can explode if a shot to the torso does more than 20 damage. The probability that it will explode is 100% if the target is shot in the back, but considerably lower if they are shot in the chest or side. The player will not explode as of this release, but companions might.
This upgrade provides configurable health regeneration fueled by stimpaks. At 5 hp/sec or lower, the efficiency is greater than 1, meaning you will have more health restored than if you used the stimpak normally. At rates above 5 hp/sec, your health will be restored less. Rates can be set for combat and non-combat independently via the power armor menu (default "p" hotkey).
Catalytic Rebreather
Equip the rebreather like a backpack, along with charged power armor and a power armor helmet. You will be able to breath underwater until your power runs out.
Install NVSE:
Keep in mind that NVSE is currently in beta, so some kinks may still need to be worked out.
Copy the downloaded files into your data directory, and check the .esp in your load list. Order is not very important, but see the compatibility section for details.
There are a few extra steps for getting the HUD gauges to show up.
1. Browse to Data\menus\main, and see if hud_main_menu.xml is there.
2a. If it is, open it with a text editor. Scroll to the bottom, and just above the last line (<\menu>) add the line:
3a. Save the file, and that should be it.
2b. If the file is not there, browse to Data\menus\prefabs\PPA\main and move that copy of hud_main_menu.xml to the Data\menus\main folder (if the folder doesn't exist, create it).
If you install any mods that alter the HUD (like DUI) after installing PPA, it is likely that they will overwrite the changes made to hud_main_menu.xml, and your PPA HUD icons will no longer show up. If you notice that they are suddenly missing, repeat steps 1 through 3a.
IMPORTANT: You'll want to remove power armor, then save, before uninstalling this mod. This will ensure that the numeric game settings fJumpHeightMin and fJumpFallHeightMin are not permanently changed.
Delete the .esp, and delete the PPA folders from Data\Meshes, Data\textures, and Data\Menus\Prefabs. Also open up Data\menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml, scroll to the bottom, and remove the line
This mod does not actually modify power armor in any way, so very little is overwritten. The upgrades and charging system will apply to (almost, see description above) any armor designated as power armor, and taking up the upper body slot. This includes pretty much all power armor from vanilla Fallout, DLC, and mods (no helmets yet though).
You may want to check things out in FNVEdit. Leveled Item and Container conflicts should be resolved in your merged patch.
Big thanks to The3rdType for making all of the custom Pipboy and HUD icons, and Joe Shrapnel for helping with a lengthy debug of the 1.4 gold FO3 release.
Use Info
Contact me if you'd like to use any code or techniques from this mod. I'll probably be making a standalone version of the jump fall interruption fixer, since there are a number of mods out there that could benefit from it. The fix only needs to show up once in any load order. If I get feedback regarding it I'll make it a higher priority.
Standard Power Armor Statistics
Upper Power Consumption: 0.1kW(base) 0.25kW(gun/unarmed) 0.4kW(melee/big gun)
Lower Power Consumption: 0.35kW(base) 3.8kW(walk) 8.2kW(run)
Upper Thermal Load: -10degF/s(base) 6degF/s(gun/unarmed) 10degF/s(melee/big gun)
Lower Thermal Load: -10degF/s(base) 3degF/s(walk) 10degF/s(run)
RobCo Rapid Recharger (ceramic ultracapacitor recharger)
RobCo Personal Breeder Reactor (fission battery recharger)
Citadel Lab
Megaton Player Home
Tenpenny Player Suite
Craterside Supply
Canterbury Garage
Lock and Load
Raven Rock
Carol's Place
Rivet City Hangar(marketplace)
Ceramic Ultracapacitor
Weight: 3
Cost: 900
Effects: +300kWh (full system recharge)
Although originally outfitted with long lived nuclear power sources, including the TX-28 MicroFusion Pack, a growing trend among those fortunate enough to have access to power armor has been to replace the aging packs with conventional electric power storage devices. The primary power storage unit of choice is an ultracapacitor constructed from lightweight, superconductive ceramics. The units are compact enough that multiple backup units can be carried, and offer significantly greater power density than their outdated (and often depleted) nuclear cousins. In addition to being lighter, these modern alternatives are less hazardous to service, and can be modified to increase power output without risking a thermonuclear event. The primary drawback is the need to frequently recharge, although several methods of field recharging have been developed, often out of urgent necessity.
Upper Liquid Cooling
Upper Power Draw: +0.1kW(gun) +0.2kW(unarmed) +0.3kW(melee/big gun)
Upper Thermal Load: -10degF/s(base) 6degF/s(unarmed) 10degF/s(melee/big gun)
Weight: 3
Cost: 800
+2 Unarmed Damage
+2 Melee Damage
+10 Big Guns
Upgrading your power armor's cooling system from forced air convection to liquid cooling improves sustainable power output. A more powerful upper body means improved melee and unarmed damage, and more sustainable accuracy with big guns.
Lower Liquid Cooling
Lower Power Draw: +0.1kW(base) +1.1kW(walk) +3kW(run)
Lower Thermal Load: -20degF/s(base) +8degF/s(walk) +20degF/s(run)
Weight: 5
Cost: 1200
+40 Speed
+45 Carrying Capacity
Ordinarily air cooled, your suit's polyphasic servo motor drivetrain is automatically restricted to sustainable power outputs to prevent overheating. Liquid cooling allows power output to be increased without threatening system stability. More powerful legs and lower torso lead to improved carrying capacity and speed.
Thermal Regulation Override
Upper Power Draw: +0.1kW(gun) +0.25kW(unarmed) +0.35kW(melee/big gun)
Lower Power Draw: +0.05kW(base) +1.9kW(walk) +5kW(run)
Upper Thermal Load: 0defF/s(gun) +1.5degF/s(unarmed) +2.3degF/s(melee/big gun)
Lower Thermal Load: 0degF/s(base) +2degF/s(walk) +6degF/s(run)
Weight: 0.25
Cost: 350
+60% Speed (adjustable)
+1000 Carrying Capacity
+2 Strength
+2 Unarmed Damage
+3 Melee Damage
+15 Big Guns
A cheap, effective way to increase your power armor's strength and speed, this chip replaces your suit's thermal monitoring hardware with upper and lower temperature gauges and a manual toggle. Ordinarily, the power consumption of your armor is restricted to prevent overheating, ensuring consistent, uninterrupted operation. Putting thermal regulation under manual control will allow you to increase the raw power of your armor, but at the risk of overheating. Monitor the upper and lower temperature gauges closely; if you overheat, you or your armor may take damage, and you could be left immobile for several seconds. This upgrade can be coupled with upper and lower liquid cooling systems for massive power output.
Neural Targeting Interface
Power Draw: 0.1kW(base)
Weight: 0.5
Cost: 1100
+15 AP
+5% Critical Chance
The Neural Targeting Interface puts your brain, Pipboy, and Power Armor into a state of synergy, improving reaction times and leading to improved VATS targeting and a higher critical chance.
Upper Precision Phase Controller
Power Draw: 0.15kW(base)
Weight: 1
Cost: 1000
+10 Small Guns
+10 Energy Weapons
More precise control over your arms and upper body leads to improved handling of small guns and energy weapons. Coupled with the inherent stability of the heavy suit, experienced users will often see their accuracy improve while wearing power armor sporting this upgrade.
Lower Precision Phase Controller
Power Draw: 0.2kW(base)
Weight: 1.5
Cost: 800
+5 Stealth
Power armor's assisted mobility is provided in most cases by an array of polyphasic servo motors distributed throughout the arms, legs, and torso. Upgrading these motors' phase controllers allows for more precise movement, reducing some of the noise associated with power armor and improving stealth.
Regenerative Overload Capacitor
Weight: 2
Cost: 1100
Dramatically reduced fall damage
Increased jump height (when coupled with Lower Liquid Cooling or Thermal Override)
One advantage of the polyphasic electric drivetrain is its ability to seamlessly transition from a power consuming array of motors to a power producing array of generators. Each time your leg impacts the ground, the electric motors take advantage of that force to generate power. This regenerative power can be shunted to other active motors, or stored, greatly improving efficiency. Under normal operation this system is more than adequate for absorbing the minor, repetitive shock of walking or running across uneven terrain, however the tremendous surge of energy produced when absorbing the impact after a long fall can overwhelm the system, causing the armor to lock up and potentially injure the wearer. A Regenerative Overload Capacitor will soak up that extra power, feed it back into the system at a manageable rate and greatly improve the suit's capacity to absorb the impact of long falls. When coupled with Lower Liquid Cooling and/or a Thermal Regulation Override, this will enable the user to power jump much higher than they would normally be able, without risking an injury.
Proximity Alert
Power Draw: 250 Watts
Weight: 0.5
Cost: 900
+2 Perception
Audible Combat Warning
A passive infrared optical scanner continuously monitors your surroundings for threats, which are reported via an audible alert when detected.
Advanced Power Armor (APA) Ultracapacitor Conversion Kit/
T-51b Ultracapacitor Conversion Kit
Weight: 4 (-5lb. installed)/4 (-7 installed)
Cost: 1300/1500
These kits can be used to convert Enclave produced Advanced Power Armor or T-51b armor from their original MicroFusion Pack power sources to higher power output ultracapacitor based power. Although they require more frequent recharging, this will allow you to install high power upgrades like liquid cooling and Thermal Regulation Override.
Mark IV MicroFusion Pack/
TX-40e MicroFusion Pack
Weight: 9 (0 installed)/11 (0 installed)
Cost: 2900/3200
Combining power outputs on par with ultracapacitor power sources with the unsurpassed longevity of a MicroFusion pack, these rare, experimental power sources will operate without refueling for half a century, while providing more than enough power to run any armor modification developed to date. The Mark IV Microfusion Pack is compatible with APA, while the TX-40e can be used to replace the T-51b's TX-28 MicroFusion Packs.
Environmental UnderArmor
Weight: 15
Cost: 250
+40 Radiation Resistance
+7 Damage Resistance
Lined with a neutron absorbing layer of heavy metals, this UnderArmor will substantially increase the radiation resistance of power armor.
MediBrace UnderArmor
Weight: 22
Cost: 325
+8 Medicine Skill
Ignore Crippled Limbs
+5 Damage Resistance
Though heavy and not especially protective, this armor houses a complex array of air bladders and aramid cables that will autmatically stabilize wrenched or broken limbs. The system must interface with your power armor's power source in order to function.
Aramid UnderArmor
Weight: 14
Cost: 300
+15 Damage Resistance
Constructed from a thinner version of the bullet resistant fibers used for the popular Recon Armor, this underarmor can bolster the damage resistance of power armor significantly.
Insulating UnderArmor
Weight: 12
Cost: 300
+15 Fire Resistance
+15 degree Overheat Temperature
+4 Damage Resistance
Popular with Thermal Regulation Override users, the thermally insulating fabric of this UnderArmor not only protects against damage from flame based weaponry, but also shields the wearer from the excessive heat produced by prolonged thermal regulation overrides.
NOTE: To equip UnderArmor, put on the desired set of UnderArmor, then put on Power Armor. To unequip, unequip power armor, then unequip or change UnderArmor. only one set of UnderArmor can be worn at a time.
Energy Pulse Generator
Weight: 3
Cost: 1700
Pulse Effects:
Electromagnetic: Temporarily disable (paralyze) robots and power armor wearers
Electrostatic: Knock back enemies in the area (dependent upon strength and endurance check, robots and power armor wearers are highly resistant)
Infrared: Ignite any enemy in the area
Mesmetronic: Mez any human or non-feral ghoul enemy in the area (this feature isn't working yet, and will probably never work the same as it did in FO3)
The energy pulse generator can be used to generate one of four energy pulses, depending on which energy pulse modulators you have in your posession. Any enemies (or allies) within its blast radius will be effected. The pulses will expend your power armor's charge rapidly, and the system will need to recharge for several seconds before another pulse can be generated. Fusion powered armors can continue to generate pulses indefinitely, but their recharge time is significantly longer. The strength and effectiveness of any pulse is dependent upon the energy weapons skill of the user.