Sequel to the and the
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ElricM (working on it)
WIP Pozzo's Rise of House Telvanni v1.3
What is this mod about?
Rise of House Telvanni is a mod for the Telvanni Archmagister. By a series of quests and political decisions the player can either lead House Telvanni to political predominance or expand it moderately. Depending on the player's decisions, House Telvanni will gain one to four new strongholds, topple or leave alone the Mages Guild, crush or support the Twin Lamps, take over or lose all influence in the East Empire Company and shake Vvardenfell's Grand Council to the core.
What's new in v1.3?
Nearly every quest from previous versions has been expanded, either by a bit of dialogue and atmosphere or by adding new tasks for the player. In addition, there are a couple of entirely new quests, a lot of them centred around House Telvanni's new members.
The quests in detail
Quest: Gothren's successor
Freshly instated into office, the player needs to (3 screenshots) for the late Gothren.
Quest: Dealing with the Mages Guild
Rivalry with the Mages Guild has reached a new climix. The Telvanni Council wants them and - except for two prominent scholars: Edwinna Elbert and Skink-in-Tree's-Shade. It's up to the player to either fulfil or deny that demand.
New Quest: Ghosts from the past
The calls the player for assistance: She has been attacked by a group of deranged mages. In order to find and hunt them down, the player will, confer with and finally face Zubadaiah's assailants in the lost Daedric Realm of
Quest: The Wards of Trine: Star of Zafirbel
This is the first of three visions that Therana will have in this mod. Each leads to a powerful artifact, once owned by a founder of House Telvanni.
Quest: Acting against Imprudent Imperials (Dealing with the EEC)
After those internal affairs, it is time to expand House Telvanni's economical influence. To achieve this, the player must secretly eliminate the East Empire Company's leader, Canctunian Ponius, and
Quest: The Wards of Trine: Cube of Uvirith
Therana's second vision sends the player to a dangerous place to retrieve Uvirith's powerful cube.
New Quest: A Mechanic's Dream
This quest will only begin, if the player has crushed the Mages Guild and recruited Edwinna Elbert into House Telvanni. Edwinna's platform in Sadrith Mora has become too small, and she wants a to pursue her studies. Her plans are ambitious, so she needs some assistants. It is the player's task to find her four suitable candidates and ensure a steady supply of tools.
Quest: Building Tel Llarelah
Tel Aruhn's new mistress Zubadaiah has brought her protégé Uvoo to Vvardenfell. This young and aspiring Wizard has chosen Dagon Fel as his tower's location. Unfortunately, the soil isn't as fertile as he imagined, so the tower's growth rate is very slow. Zubadaiah asks the player to help Uvoo grow his tower.
Quest: The Wards of Trine: Telvanni's Chalice
Therana's third and last vision sends the player to yet another Deadric Realm. Therein lies
New Quest: A new member: Skink-in-Tree's-Shade
This quest will only begin, if the player has crushed the Mages Guild and recruited Skink-in-Tree's-Shade into House Telvanni. In earlier versions, moved to Tel Aruhn without ever having a place to live at. In v1.3, he'll get fed up with that situation and leave without notice. The player needs to In the meantime, Skink has managed to grow at a rather dangerous spot. He is disappointed and enraged at House Telvanni in common and the player in particular. It will take some time and effort to appease him and convince him to return into the House. Among other things, he demands help for a fellow Argonian who is trying to grow himself a
New quest: A new Member: Edwinna Elbert
This quest will only begin, if the player has crushed the Mages Guild and recruited Edwinna Elbert into House Telvanni. On a trip to nearby Nchuleft, Edwinna will encounter some uncommon Dwemer spectres. Her carelessness will have a, and the player will need to go to great lengths to help her exorcize her Demon. You will need to enter her mind and liberate her mind while maintaining your own sanity. You will be assisted by, who has a rather uncommon and unexpected history.
Quest: Removing an Annoyance
A Bosmeri preacher is slandering House Telvanni right on the streets of Sadrith Mora. Gothren seems either unwilling or unable to deal with it, so the player needs to step in.
New Quest: Freedom ... or something like it (The Twin Lamps quest)
The Council is at the end of its tether concerning the Twin Lamps. That organisation has pestered slavers for a long time, and the Council won't tolerate it anymore. It wants to see the Twin Lamps destroyed. But Aryon and the player's advisor have different thoughts: They actually consider to support the Twin Lamps in exchange for increased political influence in Ebonheart's Grand Council. The player has to decide about House Telvanni's stance on slavery. Will you decide to abdicate from slavery, find alternate means to do slave's work, appease Telvanni slave traders and convince the Council of your plans or will you concur with the Council's stance and destroy the Twin Lamps movement?
New Quest: Investigating Pergamaea (the teleportation system)
Zubadaiah's protégé, Dagon Fel's master Uvoo requests permission to He hopes to rediscover and restore an ancient teleportation system. He will eventually find an artifact which will teleport the player into the Daedric Realm of Nueranar where he/she will have to find a means to restore it to functionality.
Quest: House Telvanni grasps Power
The final quest in recent versions had the player assassinate Duke Dren, so that his manipulatable daughter Ilmeni would take over his office.
What has changed: I have expanded this quest by a large bit. If the Archmagister would openly kill the Duke, that could be a reason for military actions. So the player will hire an assassin who would do the work and then go after the assassin to destroy him. The evidence will then be used to frame Orvas Dren as his brother's murderer. As soon as Ilmeni takes office, she'll be trapped in House Telvanni's claws, represented by a and a
Final Reward
In recent versions, you'd always get the same reward at the end of the mod's main quest: The helm of Boethia's rock. With v1.3, depending on the player's performance on the earlier quests, the final reward can now range from a fool's cap to a really specialthe present from a mysterious admirer.
Misc. Quest: An Axe for an Axe
This is a tweak of the well-known "Witch and a naked Nord" quest. The difference is that the Nord is neither naked nor paralyzed and that both are now members of House Telvanni. So whose side are you going to take? This quest is made to be stumbled upon; it does not jump at you, but there are four different ways to begin it and four different ways to end it.
Misc. Quest: Till Undeath do us part
This is a quest for all the Vampire friends out there. The vampire ancient has lost his sister, and if you ask insistently enough, he might tell you his story. If you decide to help him, you will be faced with a couple of very tough riddles, and there won't be any further clues. This is only a side quest, and if an ancient vampire is unable to solve those riddles, don't expect to do it easily. This quest provides some background for both Alighiere and Dhaunayne Aundae.
A little something for modders: RoHT is made to be modded
I have made RoHT a master file (.esm) and added a system of global variables for interaction with other mods. This is described in detail in the separate Modders' Readme file.
Finally, here's RoHT's readme file to quench your thirst for information:
********************************************************************************* ** The Elder Scrolls III ** MORROWIND ** Rise of House Telvanni v1.3 ** ** September 23, 2009 *********************************************************************************Authors: Pozzo, Karpik777, bhl et al.Type: QuestsRequirements: Morrowind, Tribunal, BloodmoonTable of Contents:1. Introduction2. How to get started3. Installation and requirements4. Updating from previous versions5. Uninstallation6. Compatibility/Known Conflicts7. Mod History8. Credits9. Permissions10. Contact Information ********************************************************************************1. Introduction********************************************************************************This mod is an extended version of Pozzo's Rise of House Telvanni. By a seriesof quests and political decisions the player can either lead House Telvanni topolitical predominance or expand it moderately. Depending on the player'sdecisions, House Telvanni will gain one to four new strongholds, topple or leavealone the Mages Guild, crush or support the Twin Lamps, take over or lose allinfluence in the East Empire Company and shake Vvardenfell's Grand Council tothe core.In total, RoHT adds features a main quest line that, depending on your choices,consists of up to 19 quests. In addition, there are 2 miscellaneous quests.It also gives some lore about the Telvanni and a chance to reclaim some ancientTelvanni artifacts.********************************************************************************2. How to get started********************************************************************************Once you have become the Telvanni Archmagister, go to Sadrith Mora, enter theCouncil House and turn left. There's a door leading to the Archmagister'squarters. Enter it, and talk to Llovyn Salvu, your personal advisor.********************************************************************************3. Installation and requirements********************************************************************************This mod requires Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.To install the plugin, unzip the files into the Morrowind/Data Filesdirectory. From the Morrowind Launcher, select "Data Files", check the box nextto "Rise of House Telvanni.esm", and you're ready to start.The files in detail (..\ is your Morrowind\Data Files\ folder)--------------------------------------------------------------..\Rise of House Telvanni.esm The actual mod...\Rise of House Telvanni Readme.txt This file...\Rise of House Telvanni Modder's Readme.txt Information for modders who want their plugins to cooperate with or build on RoHT...\Icons\RoHT\*.* Icons used for objects in RoHT..\Meshes\RoHT\*.* Meshes used for objects in RoHT..\Textures\RoHT\*.* Textures used by RoHT's meshesPatches and Addons------------------If you intend to use them, copy these files to ..\..\Patches and Addons\RoHT CoM Addon.esp Addon for both RoHT and Emma's "Children of Morrowind" (CoM). It will move some children to safety in critical situations. It was made for CoM v2 but should also work with v1. Only use this patch if you are using both RoHT and CoM...\Patches and Addons\RoHT GDR Aleft Patch.esp Patch for Julian K. Spire's "Greater Dwemer Ruins: Aleft" (GDR Aleft). GDR Aleft completely redesigns Aleft. This plugin moves a couple of RoHT's items that RoHT remains playable in conjunction with GDR: Aleft. It was made for GDR: Aleft v1. Only use this patch if you are using both RoHT and GDR: Aleft...\Patches and Addons\RoHT Havish Patch.esp Patch for JOG's "Havish" Some of Havish's quests require members of the Mages Guild. This mod makes RoHT and Havish completely compatible with each other, even if you decide to destroy the Mages Guild. It was made for Havish v1.2 but should also work with v1.0, v1.1, and v1.3. Only use this patch if you are using both RoHT and Havish...\Patches and Addons\RoHT TLSH Patch.esp Patch for Nevena's "Twin Lamps and Slave Hunters" (TLSH) TLSH requires Ilmeni Dren and Duke Dren. During RoHT's questline, Duke Dren will die, and Ilmeni Dren will become Vvardenfell's Duchess. This patch copies Duke Vedam Dren's dialogue over to Duchess Ilmeni Dren in order to restore full compatibility between RoHT and TLSH. compatibility again #d makes It was made for TLSH v1.5. Only use this patch if you are using both RoHT and TLSH.NPCs that must be alive-----------------------Whatever you do in Morrowind, don't kill Aryon, Divayth Fyr, Yagrum Bagarn, orEdd Theman (Fast Eddie). I need them for RoHT.********************************************************************************4. Updating from previous versions********************************************************************************RoHT v1.3 is technically completely different from its predecessors: not asingle ID has remained the same. That means that an actual update is impossible.You can replace versions 1.25 and earlier with v1.3 without any problems, andyou can play through v1.3 just fine, but you will loose all progress you havemade in those earlier versions. Also, when you have killed either CanctunianPonius, Divayth Fyr or Duke Vedam Dren, you will have to accept theconsequences.As with all mods, do create a backup of your savegame before you begin withplaying RoHT's quests. If you don't like it, or if (against all probability)it should screw up your game, you'll have something to revert to.I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but with so many changes in v1.3, it wasn'tpossible to maintain compatibility with earlier versions.********************************************************************************5. Uninstallation********************************************************************************From the Morrwowind Launcher, select "Data files", unselect the box next to"Rise of House Telvanni.esm". Also unselect the boxes next to"RoHT CoM Addon.esp", "RoHT GDR Aleft Patch.esp", "RoHT Havish Patch.esp", and"RoHT TLSH Patch.esp", if you have installed them.Then, delete all of RoHT's files as listed in section 3 of this Readme file.********************************************************************************6. Compatibility/Known Conflicts********************************************************************************I have done my best to make RoHT as compatible as possible. First, RoHT doesn'talter anything in Tel Uvirith. So it is compatible with most interior modsfor Tel Uvirith.RoHT is already compatible with:--------------------------------Hunter Modification by Elim GarakTown of Uvirith v1.3 by Tapani_doeUvirith Inside v1.6 by TheDopeHatManUvirith's Legacy v1.09 et seq. by StuporstarVillage of Mora Uvirith v1.0 by Kosta51I have included external Patches for the following mods:--------------------------------------------------------Children of Morrowind v2 by Emma (will also work with v1.0)Greater Dwemer Ruins: Aleft v1.0 by Julian K. SpireHavish v1.2 by JOG (will also work with v1.0, v1.1, v1.3)Twin Lamps and Slave Hunters v1.5 by NevenaRoHT has a non-critical impact on unmodded Morrowind:-----------------------------------------------------Quests:-------A1_4_MuzgobInformant (Main Quest: Gra-Muzgob Informant) Sharn gra-Muzgob will die in the assault but you can get her notes either from the Telvanni's mercenaries or from the Telvanni councilor, Neral Sarodan. HT_SilverDawn (House Telvanni: Staff of the Silver Dawn) You are Archmagister, for Jyggalag's sake! Do you really want to run this petty errand?IC14_Ponius (Imperial Cult: Pledge from Canctunian Ponius) Ponius will get killed during RoHT's quest line. This quest, however, can be completed by simply paying the money out of your own pocket. And since that money pledge was Ponius private commitment: tough luck for the player. Nobody will pay you that money back.MT_DB_Darys (Morag Tong: Ultimatum for Movis Darys) I moved Movis Darys to Ald-ruhn, Council Club and had the Telvanni mercenaries give you a hint where to look.MV_SlaveMule (Rabinna's Inner Beauty) I don't see any reason to provide a patch here. Either you support the Twin Lamps and the quest is playable as is or you crush them in which case you wouldn't escort the slave to the Argonian Mission in the first place.MV_RunawaySlave (The Runaway Slave) I don't see any reason to provide a patch here. Either you support the Twin Lamps and the quest is playable as is or you crush them in which case you wouldn't escort the slave to the Argonian Mission in the first place.TG_CookbookAlchemy (Thieves Guild: Potion Recipe) Big Helende will react as if Tusarmicil was dead (which logically is true).TG_LootAldruhnMG (Thieves Guild: Loot the Mages Guild) I haven't touched any dialogue, but if the Mages Guild has been transformed into the Telvanni Consulate, you'll find the Tanto hidden behind a stone within the Consulate.TG_SadrithMoraDefenses (Thieves Guild: Wizard For Hire) There's no need for the Thieves Guild to hire a wizard from the Mages Guild when one of their members is Archmagister of House Telvanni. I added some appropriate dialogue to shorten this questTG_SS_GreedySlaver (Thieves Guild: Bal Molagmer, Brallion's Ring) I copied all dialog entries for the topic "Brallion's Ring" for Duchess Ilmeni Dren as well. Gentleman Jim Stacey won't recognize that Ilmeni is Duchess, but the quest will work.TG_SS_Plutocrats (Thieves Guild: Bal Molagmer, Books for Vala) Vala Catraso is shopping for books when the Telvanni mercenaries dash into Ald-ruhn's guild house. You'll find her in Codus Callonus' bookstore. She does not comment on the raid, though.town_Sadrith (Miscellaneous quest Sadrith Mora: Gateway Ghost) After Uleni Heleran's demise, the Gateway Haunt will vanish forever. If you haven't solved the mystery until then, you won't solve it ever.VA_VampChild (Aundae quest: Blood Ties) Sinyaramen will speak with you, if the Mages Guild has been destroyed, so you don't need to see Tusamircil or Iniel first.Objects:--------de_p_desk_dren I needed to attach a script to Orvas Dren's desk.Scripts:--------treboniousScript This has been slightly changed. RoHT isn't dependent on those changes, so it doesn't really matter if a texture replacer or something like it overwrites Trebonius.RoHT has unresolved non-critical conflicts with:------------------------------------------------Building Up Uvirith's Grave (BUUG) v1.1 by Acheron BUUG moves Fast Eddie to Uvirith's Grave and RoHT might move him back or vice versa. This does not affect each mod's functionality.Master Index Plugin (Bethesda Softworks) This mod requires that the player talks to Caldera's Mages Guild steward, Folms Mirel. RoHT will move him to Shenk's Shovel after a certain decision has been made.Propylons v1.1 by Charles Cooley This mod requires that the player talks to Caldera's Mages Guild steward, Folms Mirel. RoHT will move him to Shenk's Shovel after a certain decision has been made.RoHT has unresolved critical conflicts with:--------------------------------------------Balmora Council Club v1.0 by Princess Stomper This mod requires that the player talks to Duke Dren a lot which will become impossible during RoHT's questline.Ebonheart Interior Expansion by Princess Stomper This mod requires that the player talks to Duke Dren a lot which will become impossible during RoHT's questline.Less Generic NPCs (LGNPC) Pax Redoran v1.12 and earlierLess Generic NPCs (LGNPC) Tel Uvirith v1.20 and earlier I have contacted Cyrano about this, and he will add patches into both LGNPC mods with the next update. Thank you, Cyrano!Ushindra Beach v1.1 by The Pixie Ushindra Beach requires that the player talks to Ald'ruhn's Mages Guild guide, Estirdalin. In RoHT, she might be forced to leave. ********************************************************************************7. Mod History********************************************************************************Long ago, Pozzo created a mod that allowed the Archmagister of House Telvanni togain considerable influence on Vvardenfell by completing a series of quests toundermine the Empire and strengthen House Telvanni:Rise of House Telvanni was born.On Oct 22nd, 2003, Pozzo released v1.2 Beta of this mod to the public. Shortlyafterwards, he left Morrowind modding and also this mod as a Beta. On June 28,2006, Karpik777 rediscovered it and presented his find to the Morrowindcommunity. Despite its Beta status it was received very well, so after fixingthe most pressing errors and balancing some over-the-top rewards, Karpik777re-released it as version 1.21. From then on, the mod saw a quick successionof updates.On Jul 7, 2006, Karpik777 fixed a couple more errors that SkyShadowing had foundbefore. The next day, he released it as v1.22 on Planet Elderscrolls, thusmaking it available to the entire community again.On Jul 31, 2006, Aeroldoth volunteered to fix the mod's spelling and grammaticalerrors. As he put it: "I LOVE to fix spelling errors, or rather, I HATE to readthem." He finished this endeavouring assignment within a month, so that onAugust 25, 2006, a completely proof-read v1.23 saw the light of day. In additionto proof-reading, he also fixed a lot of the mod's errors.On Feb 17, Karpik777 fixed another quest breaking bug and released v 1.24 tothe public.That was about the time that I set eyes on this beauty of a mod. I played it andliked most of it. So I began to fix any error I could find. I also removed thepreviously incorporated mod "Of Human Bondage", thus creating what was to bev1.25. On April 20, 2007 Karpik777 uploaded it to Planet Elderscrolls. I washonestly flattered by that and since I really liked - and still like the mod -began to ponder how it could be further improved.On July 8, 2007, almost exactly one year after Karpik resurrected themod, I announced that I had begun to work on it again. It has taken me more thantwo years, but I'm finally ready to present you this revised and greatlyextended, new version 1.3 of RoHT. I hope you enjoy playing it much as I enjoyedmaking it.Chronology----------Version 1.3- Fixed various bugs- Changed all IDs to a new, coherent nomenclature- Added various quests and expanded on existing quests- Added a system of global variables for interaction with other mods- made RoHT a master file (.esm)- added a separate readme file for moddersVersion 1.25- Fixed various bugs- Removed both the "Of Human bondage mod" and the Festival Slave marketVersion 1.24- Changed the requirements for the "Zafirbel's Star" dialogueVersion 1.23- A whole lot of grammar, spelling and logical corrections thanks to AeroldothVersion 1.22- Fixed various bugs- Added a more balanced versionUpdates since Beta v.1- Altered the Daedric realms slightly- Added another for a small Three Sisters quest- Incorporated a skip "Destroying Mage Guild" option.- Various typo fixes- Fixed various bugs in the Archmagister's quarters,- Changed Lighting in Archmagisters quarters********************************************************************************8. Credits********************************************************************************A mod of RoHT's scope isn't built by a single person. I may have done most workof the work on v1.3, but I couldn't have done it completely on my own. My heart-felt gratitude goes to every single of the following people.All names are listed in alphabetical order.Special thanks to RoHT's "fathers":-----------------------------------Pozzo: for creating RoHT in the first place and for giving me free hand on any updateKarpik777: for rediscovering RoHT, for fixing its bugs, for reuploading it, for inspiration on new quests, for Beta testing it, and for much moreThanks to those who have worked directly on RoHT:-------------------------------------------------Aeroldoth: for fixing bugs as well as grammatical and spelling errorsDarkside: for merging the "Of Human Bondage" mod into an early version of RoHT. I have removed it with v1.25, but it was part of RoHT for a long time.Thanks to those who gave me information and inspiration:--------------------------------------------------------Arcimaestro Anteres: for inspiration on the deceased ArchmagistersCyrano: for explaining how to make dialogue hyperlinks show up when their topic is introduced and when you have also just updated their Journal conditionsFroderick, aka ElvisX3K: for being a constant source of inspiration and for being the world's best Beta TesterGez: for background information on Morrowind and Tamrielic lorehaplobartow: for help with the Tamriel Rebuilt integrationHarlequin: a HUGE THANK YOU for inspiration for many quests, especially for Skink-in-Tree's-Shade's quest seriesJac: For Scripting Help on the RoHT_Alighiere_sc_Note_1_Script and thanks to Erstam for developing the Script in the first placeJOG: while having nothing although having nothing directly to do with this mod, I learned a lot from reading his scripts from Havish and Booty Island ManaUser: for explaining how to set creatures as guards and thanks to SpectreoftheSpectrum for asking it in the first place. Also thanks for explaining how to make a book readable but not pickupable And thanks to RedwoodTreeSprite for linking me to the answer.Olivares: for inspiration on the Duke Dren questPsyringe: for inspiration on Edwinna Elbert's questsTurrican man: for inspiring Pozzo on the lighting effects in the Archmagister's chambers.Tyraa Rane: for proofreading RoHT's entire dialogue - twiceVarana: for bringing me down to earth after the lore/number of used slaves discussionVorwoda the Black: for inspiration on the Duke Dren questThanks to those who made the tools I used:------------------------------------------Argent: for BookGen and the bsa BrowserAlphax, amorilia, m4444x, Shon, tazpn, wz, and everyone who contributed to NifSkopeBethesda Softworks: for the Construction Set and for making MorrowindEly VanReen Soto: for the TES Plugin Conflict DetectorFarren Hayden: for the Enchanted EditorGhanBuriGhan, Yacobi, Melian, and anyone who contributed to Morrowind Scripting For Dummies (MWSFD)Ghostwheel: for TESToolMentalElf: for TESFilesSrikandi: for the Elder Scrolls Construction Set Item IndexWrye: for MashThanks to those who provided me with modder's resources:--------------------------------------------------------Acid_Basik: for Floating IslandsAllerleihrauh: for the textures on Rhedd's headsDemonXen: for New Centurions (Mechanical Creatures)dongle: for Water Meshes and Druid StaffsKorana: for Authentic DocumentsLady Eternity: for the Fire Pillar, the Flaming Floor, and the Graveyard FogLochnarus: for chestsMcMornan: for the Dwemer IngotMichael "HelioS" Bennett: for his Silver Battle AxePhijama: for the Serpentine StaffQarl: for Rays of Light and the Flask ReplacerRhedd : for lots of new face and hair meshesSotiCoto: for Dreamer HeadsStarCon5: for the ShovelWestly: for the Dwarven ShadeWytch: for the Blackened SkullThanks for testing RoHT and helping to fix its bugs:----------------------------------------------------AnonytrollAorawnConquest CalvinDaedra LordDivinePandaFroderick, aka ElvisX3KgaiusimperatorKarpik777Layson KaarMaster SamNovemberRainpovuholoRednave21saleg37SpiffymanSkyShadowingtheundon3on3Tyraa RaneValreThanks for helping with compatibility:--------------------------------------cyran0: for making the Less Generic NPC project (LGNPC) compatible with RoHTEmma: for allowing me to release the Children of Morrowind patchElim Garak: for allowing me to add a Mouth for Master Daedreyon from The Hunter ModificationJOG: for allowing me to release the Havish patchStuporstar: for making Uvirith's legacy compatible with RoHTThank you all! You have helped make RoHT what it is today.bhl********************************************************************************9. Permissions********************************************************************************Reuploading:------------I may be updating RoHT, so I'd like to know where it is hosted. Please don'treupload it without asking me first. If I cannot be contacted for an extendedperiod of time (3 months), chances are that I have left the Morrowind community.In that case feel free to reupload the mod.Altering RoHT:--------------I may be updating RoHT, so I'd like for people to contact me first. If I cannotbe contacted for an extended period of time (3 months), chances are that I haveleft the Morrowind community. In that case go ahead and alter the mod.Using RoHT content in other mods:---------------------------------RoHT is made to be modded: please refer to the modder's readme file for moreinformation. Also feel free to contact me for additional information.However, do may not merge RoHT itself into a compilation. If you'd like toexpand on it, use a separate plugin.Using resources in other Morrowind mods:----------------------------------------I have altered all Meshes so that their texture paths point to Textures\RoHT. Ihave done so provide players with an easy way of installing and uninstallingRoHT, and I'd like to keep it easy.If you like one of my icons, meshes, or textures for your Morrowind mod, takeit. You may use it and alter it to your liking. In order to keep the installa-tion and uninstallation process easy, I ask that you move all files you use outof the ..\RoHT subfolders and edit the meshes accordingly. I'd also like to knowhow my work is used, so I also ask that you contact me and give credit where itis due.For permissions regarding other modders' work, please refer to the modder'sreadme file: Rise of House Telvanni Modder's Readme.txtIn it, I have listed each file's origin. If you like something, please downloadthe original resource. Using resources in other games:-------------------------------All icons, meshes, and textures made by Pozzo or me are alterations of standardMorrowind files. You may not use them in any other game than Morrowind.Concerning other resources, please ask their respective authors for permission.Translations:-------------I of course appreciate if someone wants to take the time to translate RoHT.I take for granted that the translated content will be the same as in theoriginal version. As RoHT is very dialogue-intense, I think it's a good ideafor a translator to contact me first, in order to ensure that there isn'talready a translation on its way from someone else. If I cannot be contacted for an extended period of time (3 months), chances arethat I have left the Morrowind community. In that case go ahead and translateanyway.********************************************************************************10. Contact Information********************************************************************************bhlThe Official TES Forums: bhl [src=""][/url] Great House Fliggerty: bhl [src=""][/url]eMail: bhlMods(at)
I hope you enjoy playing and modding RoHT as much as I did.

Edit: Removed a bit of indepth information (spoilers) from the quest descriptions.
Edit 2010/06/24: Updated the Screenshot URLs.