[On SME: ...] I've spent a lot of time on a different mod (which I didn't even get to finish... due to part two of the reasons) and then the announcement of Skyrim came, changing the focus of my free time from modding to "looking for news & translating any finds to post them on my site"...
Remember what I said about Nelos Rathryon and Trenis Nathrensis?

If you don't make them irreplacable citizens of Sadrith Mora, I'll "confiscate" their homes. Eddie gets Rathryon's house, and I'll move into Nathrensis' cave. Can you take the responsibility if they end up like Dagon Fel's imperial guards under Uvoo?
Nah, just kidding. There's no use in pushing a mod if the author isn't interested anymore. Should you ever get back to it, please let me know: maybe I'll find some more places to move in after the owner has met... erm, I'm digressing. So let's move on to "a few" questions.

[...] how compatible is RoHT with BuUG?
Highly compatible. I have never played BuUG, but I've looked through it in the CS a couple of minutes ago. RoHT and BuUG don't share a single Cell, and I don't see any dialogue conflicts, either. The only critical point is Fast Eddie. RoHT moves him to the head platform of the Council House and adds a couple of dialogue lines to him. BuUG adds a script to him, moves him around Vvardenfell a couple of times, dresses him up in different fashions, and also gives him some new dialogue. However, I don't see any potential for serious conflicts. You might have to walk to Balmora, Uvirith's Grave, or maybe you'll even have to wait a day for Eddie to return from a trip if you want to talk to him, but RoHT will be fine with that. Maybe it'll even add a bit of atmosphere if Eddie has some kind of own agenda.
(A lot of spoiler tags coming up in order not to spoil the mod for those who haven't played it yet.)
Second question, what choices affect getting the end reward [...], how do you get the "Lazy Archmagister" Ending reward, [...]
After its final quest, RoHT runs the
RoHT_FinalRating_Script to assess the player's performance. Depending on how you play RoHT, you can gather anything between 0 and 100 points. Depending on your score, you'll get the following rewards:
<= 30 points: moist handshake (a Colovian Fur Helm which to me has always looked like a dunce cap)
<= 70 points: the Golden Helm of Boethiah's Rock
> 70 points: the Golden Helm of Boethiah's Rock and the Oghma Infinium
The points are awarded as follow:
Spoiler - 30 points if you destroyed the Mages Guild, none if you spared them.
- 25 points if you established Mehitabel Llaras as the East Empire Company's new factor, none if she had to flee Vvardenfell
- 5 points if you have won Ranos Ulethri as your personal alchemist, none if you didn't
- 40 points if you instated Ilmeni Dren as the new Duchess of Vvardenfell, none if you blew it by either killing the Duke yourself or by refusing to have him killed
As you can see, there's more than one way to be reach a required score. Also, many of the things you listed aren't considered in RoHT's ranking for various reasons:
Spoiler - Recruiting Zubadaiah as Tel Aruhn's new mistress isn't rated, because there's no alternative to her.
- Edwinna's, Skink's, and Stoh-Gei's tower are inalienably linked with the Mages Guild's fate. If you crush the Mages Guild, you'll get all three towers. If you spare the Mages Guild, you don't get them. So there's no use in rating them one by one.
An unrelated side note on Stoh-Gei. His real Argonian name is S't-haj'-ngeh'sichh't - a sequence of clicks, hisses, and squeaks that are so typical of untranslated Argonian names. But in fact it's based on a strong variation of "Steingesicht" which is the German word for "stoneface".
- The Twin Lamps is not rated for a single reason: I just don't know which decision will be better for House Telvanni in the long run. That's something I didn't cover in RoHT, because that's done in other mods like Nevena's "Twin Lamps and Slave Hunters" or Brother Juniper's "Twin Lamps".
- If or how Therana dies, isn't covered, because she's a tragical figure. In her - partly self-inflicted - lunacy, she completely misunderstood and misjudged the player's actions. She did what she considered necessary to protect House Telvanni. After talking to the player during one of her clear moments, she understands and maybe even regrets, but at that time, it's too late. There's no way the player can let her live, and someone like Therana can't leave Vvardenfell and lay low somewhere else like Ranos Ulethri did. So when you have to decide how she's going to die, it's a personal decision you'll have to make. What is stronger: your righteous anger or your magnanimity? I can't rate one against the other, but if you show her mercy, you'll get an increase in disposition with some of the older House members (Dratha, Baladas Demnevanni, Aryon, and Divayth Fyr) when you talk to them about Therana.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot one last thing. If you decide to
Spoiler Spare Vedam Dren's life, how does that affect your control over Vvardenfell, and what quests do you miss out on?
You'll miss out on the final quest, or rather: you'll cut it short. RoHT ends after this quest one way or the other.
It would be an honor to beta-test the version 1.51. However in retrospect I should have indicated I use the UL_RoHT_1.4_Compatibility patch and I have tinkered a bit RoTH since for resolving the problem. [...]
Thank you for the offer: I'll send you the new version when it's done. And your changes to Ulaeash sound wicked. :devil: