Thanks. We're doing our best to make this as best we can.
1. I understand that having the future 1.3 version of this mod installed I can complete both the Mages Guild and the Telvanni questlines, being both the head of the Mages Guild and of the Telvanni House, as long as I make certain choices. Is there a sequence I should follow between the Mages Guild questline and the mod questline?
Not really. As long as you don't decide to crush the Mages Guild you're fine. Once you give the marching orders for House Telvanni's troops it's too late to do any Mages Guild quests, that's all. Personally, I'd play through the Mages Guild quests first and have their Guild houses afterwards, but it's really up to you what you'd like to do first.

It is definitely compatible with Uvirith Inside: I'm using that mod myself and haven't run into any trouble with it yet. RoHT is probably compatible with every Uvirith mod. is the only thing added to Uvirith's grave by RoHT, and even the frame is part of unmodded Morrowind. The only possibly problematic Uvirith mods are those that add quests. So far I know of only one merely logical conflict (Uvirith Unleashed), and both Stuporstar and I are willing to make our mods completely compatible with each other.
It's not completely compatible yet. Both mods already play together absolutely fine until Duke Dren leaves the political stage. I need to add some dialogue for his successor in office to make them completely compatible again. I originally wanted to implement a Twin Lamps and Slave Hunters (TLSH) patch directly into RoHT, but unfortunately TLSH doesn't feature an easy way of injecting other mods into its questline. I'd either have to copy a whole lot of dialogue or write some kind of a shourtcut for it. I'll see if I can contact Nevena and hear what she has to say about it.
Erm... :shocking: :bolt:
[Carefully peeks around the corner] [Notices that you're still there, waiting for an answer] [Slowly comes back to front]

Well... in the foreseeable future.

I'm far into writing the second and final side quest. Yes, folks, that's right. there'll only be two side quests. I have scrapped the plans to write more in favour of an earlier release date. That, and I've pretty much run out of good detailed quest ideas. Next thing after finishing the quest will be an orthographic overhaul. That should be a matter of only a few hours, because Tyraa Rane has already done most of the work and provided me with an excellent list of things I need to fix. Thank you, Tyraa! I'll need a wee bit longer for adding lots of patches for standard Morrowind quests affected by RoHT. And finally I'll do some Betatesting myself. There are already a couple of other people testing RoHT, but I will only release it after I have assured myself that it is playable and almost bugfree.