Well, that's the "Helm of Boethia's Rock" we're talking about here. It isn't part of official lore, but it's a present from the Telvanni Grandmagister, Lord Yndrul, himself. He is rumored to be so powerful that the Daedra forbade him from to leave his tower and keep him chained. I wouldn't want to anger him by turning his crease-resistant headgear into a soft hat. :bolt:
Naa, the actual reason I'd like to keep it as a helm is that this has been part of RoHT ever since I have known it. I agree that it's a bit like presenting a woman with a bow tie*, but when Yndrul has set his mind on donating something, there's only one possible answer: "Thank you!" (Of yourse, that doesn't bar you from ditching it into the next lava pool you pass by

Also, there are plenty rewards more fitting for a mage in RoHT. Most rewards will be spells, abilities, staffs, or services. And if you play your cards right, you'll get a very special book as a final reward.
*Yes, I know: some women do wear bow ties. I still think it looks ugly on them.