You don't need to apologize for being curious.

[is there] any way, using the console or anything, to revive people that I have killed [...]
Yes, there is. You can edit your savegame with the Dead and altered NPCs are stored in the "NPCs Altered/Killed by Player" section. Deleting an NPC from that section should revive him. In theory, that is. I haven't actually tried it myself.
Also, I have a sort of bug report about the "House Telvanni Grasps Power" and "Ilmeni Dren's Policy Changes" quests. IIRC, in v1.25, they cannot be "officially finished" due to the Journal Entries not having a "Finished" mark. By the way, do the Policy Changes change anything in-game after you get Ilmeni to do the changes?
Ilmeni Dren's policy changes won't be part of v1.3 anymore. They have never been significantly more than a rough concept. If I remember correctly, the whole "quest" consisted of three global variables, six lines of dialogue and 1 script. Neither of those had any effect whatsoever. And, at least in my opinion, neither of those policies were of noteworthy interest to House Telvanni. I elaborated a bit on them Now that I think of it, all of these policies are attended to in RoHT's new quests:
Diminish slavery restrictions:RoHT v1.3 features an entire quest on dealing with the Twin Lamps. You can either support or crush them.
Crack down on the Camonna Tong and smuggling along the Bitter Coast:Well, as Archmagister I could hardly care less about the Bitter Coast, but depending on how you play the "House Telvanni Grasps Power" quest, the leader of the Camonna Tong, Orvas Dren, will be removed from Vvardenfell's political stage. Quickly and resolutely.
Lower tariffs on Dwemer artifacts:There's something better in RoHT. House Telvanni can seize control of the East Empire Trading Company. Who needs lower tariffs if he gets a share of each transaction?
And thanks for the heads-up.

I have actually begun to test and repair the first part of the Twin Lamps quest. It is now definitely possible to start this quest without having heard about the Abebaal slave revolt at all.
The only thing you shouldn't do in that case, is free the slaves, head straight to Tel Branora, and kill Therana. If you do, you're stuck. Unmodded Morrowind would react just the same, so that's not really a restriction. I just thought I'd mention it. The next row of tests will show if it is possible to play the Twin Lamps quest if the player has begun - but not finished - the Abebaal slave revolt.Edit: Strike that. That restriction is history.It'll take me a while longer to gnaw my way through all 14 possibilities. I'll keep you updated on significant progress.