That example actually works well together. If he wants to kill you then having someone tell you he's on vacation somewhere would give the element of surprise when he tries to kill you

Although I'm assuming he would be really bipolar in game, since at some time he'll want to kill you and at another he's perfectly happy... Happy for a telvanni at least.
Alright, you win

. I'll have to actually play through UL to see all potential conflicts; so far, I have gathered my information from the CS. And I'm still waiting for Stuporstar's reply. Maybe we'll find a way to resolve any logical conflicts. What's
important for Betatesters right now: Don't use UL's (v1.07) RoHT patch with RoHT WIP v1.3! Those two versions won't work together.
Will there be conflicts if your character is a member of the Mages Guild? Will this affect any quests? I could see it working well, actually, since destroying a place is much easier if you have a chance to examine it first, and a lower ranked Telvanni spying on the Mages Guild is pretty easy.
The only conflict will be your own personal moral conflict. RoHT doesn't affect any Mages Guild quest unless you send Telvanni troups to Before that happens, you can either stall for time to finish any business you have left with the Guild or you can spare the Guild completely and continue like before. So you can still be Archmage and Archmagister in one person. It all depends on your choice: Do you want Edwinna and Skink as members of House Telvanni (and play through their quests) or do you want to spare the Mages Guild from annihilation? Both is possible, but it's not possible at the same time.
Concerning other quests: Yes, RoHT will impact a few other quests like that Thieves Guild quest where you're supposed to steal Anarenen's Devil Tanto from Ald-ruhn. But I'm implementing patches into RoHT, so that you will still be able to complete any quest from vanilla Morrowind. If possible, I'll also include patches for other mods.
And on a personal note, my current character is a Telvanni argonian, and I managed to accidentally become a vampire (I need to pay more attention to buffs >.>) so I think I may have to enthral Ajira and rescue her too. I like that cat. Maybe I'll embrace her and feed her Trebonius, he may as well be useful for something...
A Telvanni Argonian? Splendid! Then I haven't written Skink-in-Tree's-Shade's special greetings for Argonians for nothing. And being a vampire should work as well. I have written RoHT's dialogue in section 1, so nobody should care about what you feed on. Just keep your fangs out of the Telvanni master's necks, will you? I need a couple of them alive (or undead) for RoHT.
While we're at it: Enthralling Ajira won't save her from RoHT. If you choose to destroy the guild, a global script will disable (
not kill) its members. All you need to do to save Ajira from Telvanni troups is to remove her line from that script.
Shoot me a message when your character is strong enough to test this; I'll have an updated WIP version released by then.