Hi there :wave:.
I'm sorry for replying thus late: This thing called "real life" has demanded a lot of time over the past days. So, let me catch up with the discussion...
First, I have fixed all those punctuation mistakes. Thank you for reporting them!
Spoiler And the latest quest I've got to I've been sent off to Tureynul, but have been given no directions or hints as to where it is. A guess would put it in the Red Mountain area, but that's all I can get. EDIT: Having had a look in the CS, "Tureynul" should be "Tureynulal" (which explains why I couldn't coc to it. Directing the player to "Tureynulal, on the eastern slope of Red Mountain" should be good in my eyes.
Spoiler Well, please read it again. :angel: Both your advisor and your Journal speak about Dagoth Tureynul's citadel. Anyway, Llovin will now mark Tureynulal on your map.
Yay, talking in spoilers is really creating a bit of mystery around here. :ninja:
As far as comma placement goes, just remember that James Joyce once spent a whole day putting a comma into a sentence, then the next day taking it out again. Although he also wrote the last chapter of Ulysses without punctuation at all, save for a solitary full stop around the middle of the chapter... http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_comma.html a page on comma usage that probably goes far beyond what you'll need to know for casual writing such as this. If you ever figure out what the bloody hell a "long prepositional phrase" is, let me know

It'll probably take me a lifetime to compete with James Joyce's punctuation, but I'll do my very best. Thank you for that link: I will work through it as soon as possible (this post does not yet benefit from that new knowledge).
[Off Topic]
A preposition is a word that expresses a relation towards something. A word like "before", "after", "over", "under" or "next to". So a long prepositional phrase (with "long" being defined as "over four words") would be something like "
After I had dealt with Canctunian Ponius, I returned to Sadrith Mora." or "Cowering
next to a giant log, the rabbit was almost invisible to the hunter's eye." (I know my way around German grammar; it's the English grammar that I still need to learn.)
[/Off Topic]
As a final note for tonight, I liked the book detailing the founding of House Telvanni. I don't like that my stronghold is built on the grave of a loser though
:D Well, that book originates from Pozzo's quill, but I'm sure glad you like it.
Since you want to add a Mouth for Daedreyon if the Hunter Mod is present, you may want to see http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=969002, which i revealed to the public last weekend. If you like, i'd love to see more of the Telvanni Characters there to be involved in Rise of House Telvanni, to add a history to them.
Hi Elim,
great to see you here. :wave: I would love to add those Telvanni to RoHT. Unfortunately, I haven't played Oblivion and I have no plans to do so in the foreseeable future. I did buy and install it when it was released but lost interest in it before I even left the CharGen dungeon. I can't put my finger on what was wrong, but I was bored within minutes. So I think that I need to leave this task to someone who has played your mod in Oblivion and has detailed knowledge on its protagonists. RoHT does provide an interface for extensions, so that should be a feasible task. I'll gladly help anyone who wants to take up that task with information on how to weave this extension into RoHT. (Currently, I can even alter RoHT's extension interface to cater those needs.)
This is magnificent work - can't wait for it to be released! If you need any testers again in the future I'd love to help out (Telvanni mods are the shizz).
Thanks for the compliment. You've got a PM.

Spoiler Once you tell Edwinna you've got all four specialists the journal entry says "She left for Nchuleft instanter", which should read "She left for Nchuleft instantly".
Spoiler It may be old-fashioned, but http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/instanter is a real word. Originally, I intended to write "stante pede" which means "with standing foot" = "without the slightest delay". I'm not sure if "instanter" really expresses that, but "instantly" seemed too weak an expression to me.
Also, I've been considering "logical" compatibility with http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=970347&st=0. I doubt the Telvanni council would take too kindly to breakaway Houses.
Let's not worry about unlaid eggs. Neither RoHT nor Tel Ranas are done yet. I'll have a look at Tel Ranas as soon as Kithal releases a WIP or Beta version.
You really should send BHL a PM, not post this stuff here. That solves the spoilers issue.
Latest rumors mention the robot arena and bhl said a little searching wouldn't be that bad for ya. That being said, I believe he has added a hint in the dialogue and journal entries with part of the guy's name.
On the question of reporting bugs here on in PMs:Personally, I'm fine with both PMs or having them posted here. I agree that it might be easier for the Betatesters to have them posted here, so they can check if "their" bugs have already been posted. Just do what you're comfortable with. If you prefer to send them by PM, that's perfectly fine. If you post them here, please do use the spoiler tags so that those who want to be surprised by the mod don't have to read them.
And something on the search for "some specialists":
Spoiler You need to find four specialists, two of which are very easy to find. Your advisor will suggest you talk to Divayth Fyr and Baladas Demnevanni. When you talk to Divayth Fyr you'll have the first specialist. Divayth will then direct you to Yagrum Bagarn who will send the second one to Tel Dwemeris. Baladas Demnevanni doesn't remember the third specialist's name and sends you out to search for a Bosmer in Gnisis. As far as I recall, there is only one Bosmer in the village, so this is rather easy. The last chance to add something of a challenge to this quest is the fourth specialist. Divayth will tell you of someone from the mainland, so you'll know he's in Mournhold. And since Mournhold is a rather small area I said that a little search wouldn't hurt. I have made this search a little easier, though. Even though Divayth couldn't care less for this "Gnat's floccus", you'll get an idea of who you need to find.
This information is vital for all BetaTesters: Spoiler I'll go ahead and let you know that there is a game-breaking error later when you need to go back to the the East Empire Trading Company guy (the new one not the one you assassinated) to get some tools that takes the manual setting of a variable using the console to get past for now. Should be easy enough to see which one to set from the script attached to RoHT_Mehitabel_2 or whatever the NPC is in the construction set that enables him and disables the old pre-promotion Mehitabel and Ponius.
That is a mistake I made while I restructuring RoHT to cater to future extensions. I have already fixed this in my current WIP version, and issues like this will hopefully never happen again. I will upload a new WIP version as soon as I have something new to show. Unfortunately, little spare time combined with a mild case of writer's block have impeded me during the last two weeks. I'll try to catch up during next week. Until then have fun with RoHT, be it the "old" version or the WIP!
Edit: Typo