I played through Dragonborn near the end of my Skyrim experience last time I stopped, so I only really did the first rush through the main quest. I just arrived on the island today to pick up the dragonborn questline (I'm currently juggling the MQ, College, and DG questlines) and poke around for a bit. I picked up some Bonemold armor from the downed guard outside of town and was immediately glad I hadn't spent points in any of my armor skills yet. Is it just me or does Bonemold look awesome? Maybe it's Morrowind nostalgia or the fact that I'm playing a Dunmer, but dang it just looks sweet.
I know the general story arc, but just to be fair to everyone, let's use spoilers if we have to. Basically though, what did you think of Dragonborn? I know for me going back to Solstheim and getting a taste of Morrowind was unbelievably awesome. It was definitely the strongest DLC in terms of total package, which was good to end on. Wish we could've gotten more landmass over the life of the dlcs, but that's a side complaint. Point is- coming back to Solstheim has reminded me how awesome DB is and I wanted to give kudos to Beth for that.
Now if I can live on solstheim I'll be set.