I used to use armor enhance 3 then i discovered nano recharge(NR) which i was 200 heals away from gaining NR3, anyways i got reset to level 1 after changing ISPs and i'm currently level 37 and looking forwards to the MIKE gained at level 39, now ... In armor mode i'm level 5, at level 6 you unlock NR but i've still 4000 armor points to gain, so i'd just like to inform ya'll that for the next wee while i'll be the guy in slow motion glowing for all to see prancing around in armor mode. K Bai. :D
Hahhahahahhaaa. Noice. :D About 1000 armor points to go now ... I hope when it's available at armor level 6 that i ain't gonna need to grind more to unlock it, i don't suppose so cause it ain't like weapons levelling up where you need weapon unlocks. Oh man there are some pains in the ass out there right now, ever hear of NATARANJAS, an l-tagger who spams the chat box with 'CHEATER MOTHERFU-CKERS', 'THIS TEAM IS SH-ITE' etc. Think i'm gonna apply a 'votekick' macro soon, managed to kick a few times yesterday this guy cheaternoobie, the worst hack i ever come across.
I got Nano Recharge now, it started from NR2 so that was cool, recently i put Game Effects at ultra, along with my other two ultras Objects & Particles, here's how these three in fast MP games tax 2x 580s @stock >>
After logging out then re-starting game i'm now back at NR1, so i got 2000 heals to go until NR3, svcks big time but NR2 is quite good so i'll go with it.
Oh man there are some pains in the ass out there right now, ever hear of NATARANJAS, an l-tagger who spams the chat box with 'CHEATER MOTHERFU-CKERS', 'THIS TEAM IS SH-ITE' etc.
I hate that kid, he's been in the game since I started playing he'll always jump around with the L-TAG calling everyone cheaters, eventually though someone does a vote kick against him just because he wont shut shut up, kind of funny in a way though..