What on earth is going on. It says the expected download date is today yet the pre-load option isn't there?
What on earth is going on. It says the expected download date is today yet the pre-load option isn't there?
I'm in the UK and I'm in the same boat pretty pissed right now. Considering digital downloads cost more than physical here in the UK it was a tough decision to decide to go digital but I did so I could play at midnight. With my broadband speed I'm looking at about an 11 hour download if my calculations are correct so with 17 hours left before midnight in the UK I still stand a chance of playing at midnight if Sony gets their [censored] together. Frustrated right now.
Its way out of order. I tweeted Sony and Bethesda and none of them are saying anything. Its a joke.
Pete Hines said on Twitter that it's nothing to do with them why the Pre-Load hasn't happened in some places, going on to say he isn't sure why Sony hasn't "Flipped the switch".
Yeah that's why I also tweeted out to both PlayStationUK and PlayStationEU on Twitter and haven't gotten a single response.
It's weird because I'm on the Playstation App right now and the option to "Download to PS4" is there, I clicked it and "Download to PS4" changed to "In download queue" so one would assume it would download to the PS4 but nothing changed on my PS4 the countdown is still ticking away.
I agree, just stating what was said and for some it's already too late they know they won't be playing at release already!
This is stupid, its nearly 08:00 here in the UK and still no preload. well its good I also have it preordered for the Xbox One.
Haha I cancelled my physical copy as it hadn't been despatched as of this morning so I could pre-load the digital version. My interenet is pretty quick so i'm not at panic levels just yet!
This is all on Sony, and it shows how very little they care.
Feel bad for those that havent been able to preload as not everyone has lightening internet. Just a damn crying shame