Pre Ordering in the UK

Post » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:53 pm

Hi guys and girls,

I pre-ordered the ESO CE Physical Edition from GAME. I received my 5 day early access code instantly. But I have been worrying about something else.

The Explorers Pack I have been lead to believe has a separate code to the 5 day early access code. I have been told the explorers Pack code will be inside the physical CE Box I will be sent.

So basically If I want to play any race in any faction and have that as my main the 5 day early access is pretty much 100 % useless to me. Will they not ship out the Physical CE before the 5 day early access will begin?

I have been on the phone to GAME UK customer service and they told me the game will be shipped out on the release day. The guy I was speaking too didn't seem to have a clue. So basically the people at game have told me that my £90 on TESO CE and Pre-Order will be delivered to me 2-3 days AFTER the release........... They can't seriously think that this is ok ?

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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:30 pm

GAME and Zenimax have said that pre-orders are sent with the intent of them REACHING you on release day.

And yes, the codes are in the box.

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Colton Idonthavealastna
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