This is the best MMO to come out, nothing is even close.
Rift was absolute garbage. I tried several times to play it, never lasted more than 30 minutes, because it was so bad.
WOW was fun at the start but went straight downhill.
My only hope for this game is that the developers actually have some vision and are not going to cave in to the kiddie trolls who go around destroying every game with their "demands".
Please dont ever add dueling or arena or anything. The PVP should be one component the massive battle. If you want something else, go to another game.
The minute they start the dueling nonsense then of course all we will hear about is this is op and this needs to be this and then we will have wow, a bland, lifeless place where people duel all day while they smoke and drink.
Please show some backbone, dont listen to marketing, if you make the game right the money will roll in, if you listen to idiots, guaranteed it will fail like all the rest.